Saturday, January 1, 2011

its important to look at the broadstrokes

we've self-selected a high fat, high sugar, high salt, highly inert and denatured dietary habit. this leaves us vulnerable to fungal and viral acutes and the breakdown disease groups, like atherosclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, renal and hepatic insufficiencies, cancer, hormonal and neuronal malfunctioning, psychiatric complaint and bone density loss, to name but a few.

the challenge of shedding this habit is immense. our global pursuit of market satiety for this "high fat, high sugar, high salt, highly inert and denatured dietary habit" is also the main engine of suffering and distress in the world. for example, agricultural practices don't tend to the land and nurse its needs in symbiotic profit, harvesting the peak quality and highest nutritional integrity possible for their products, they instead strip it of its essential qualities and precursors, and cheapen the qualitative excellence of the original version in terms of both nutritional profile and capital value to the producer. this high input low yield cycle likely accounts for why people don't get as excited about the idea of buying a farm as they might, let's say, of buying a winery, or jaguar.

the other factor to be taken into account is the gross aberration of mind and emotions this dietary regime produces. more than any other single causative force, our denatured, processed, animal-eating ways make possible the sociopathy at work in all forms of tribal violence and exploitation of the vulnerable. we wrongly argue over the ideological details, looking at the various phylogenetic and cultural inflections that inspire violence in people instead of looking at the measurable, physiological forces at work in the bodies that sport these fixed ideas. these measurable, physiological forces not only impinge on our body's healthy functioning, they put a shave on human perceptions as well, thusly making some ideas and patterns of individual and group behaviour more attractive than others. little do we know we can just eat our way to detente.

to say this another way, the chronic hepatic overdrive that is endemic to the times does not biochemically tend us, or the institutional bodies which represent us, to patience, the ability to empathize, or to generosity of view. if we seek new levels of person-to-person cooperation on this earth in a new era of geopolitical visioneering, we simply need to harmonize the human liver by ditching the stimulants, and by eating smaller and greener.

a good chunk of the agriculture we've parceled out of our neighbourhoods to big business in a distant field are going to have to be brought down to local servicing again, not just for pretense purposes, as in locavore snobbery, but because tending to our food more directly will put us in a better position to not just heal ourselves, but to restore equilibrium to the planet at the same time.

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