Monday, July 30, 2012

Biological Therapeutics Rejuvenate™

The Premier Zeta-Factor 
Every cell in the body has an electrical potential. It is the electrical energy that 
differentiates life from death. The electrical potential, also called the zeta-potential, 
ranges from 70 to 90 millivolts in a healthy human cell. 
A very high zeta-potential is the ability of a molecule to hold an electrical charge. zeta-potential 
is the force that maintains the discreteness of all the cells in our body. As we age or become ill, 
our zeta-potential drops and so does our energy. This is one reason why it is difficult to get out 
of bed, exercise or maintain self-motivation as we either become toxic, older or unhealthy. 
Without energy, without cellular electrical potential, we not only lose our health, youth and drive, 
we have a difficult time absorbing nutrients. 

Introducing Biological Therapeutics Rejuvenate™ 
Biological Therapeutics Rejuvenate™ is by far, the premier zeta-potential nutritional product on 
the market.  By “charging” our systems with Rejuvenate™, it not only reenergizes our cells, it 
also allows better absorption of trace minerals and nutrients to be more bio-available to our 
cells. We call this the CELL THERAPY Zeta-Factor. 

The secret behind the power of Rejuvenate is fulvic acid which helps transport nutrients and 
minerals through to cells and is capable of helping cells recharge with a high zeta-potential, 
restoring and maintaining their potential. The higher the zeta-potential the better the 
environment for carrying nutrients into the cells and carrying toxins out. 

Chemists say that zeta-potential is what keeps the billions of cells in the body in circulation. 
Unhealthy foods causing high levels of toxins in the blood, poor oxygen intake and other factors, 
can cause the blood cells to clump together: a condition called Rouleau. This condition leads to 
impairing the transfer of energy within the body and reducing the flow and intake of nutrients. 

From 70/90 millivolt potential, unhealthy, or aged cells can drop to 60/80, 50/70 and so on. 

When ill, electrical potential can drop to 35. In cancer patients, it can drop to 15 or lower. Losing 
our electrical potential is synonymous with dying. When you use Biological Therapeutics 
Rejuvenate™ you increase zeta-potential and cellular electrical energy aiding healing and 
slowing the aging process. In addition, it stimulates the hydration reflex reestablishing normal 
thirst and water drinking habits. 

A force that maintains cell nourishment 
Zeta-potential represents a basic law of Nature, and it plays a vital role in all forms of plant and 
animal life. It is the force that maintains the discreteness of the billions of circulating cells, which 
nourish the organism. 

Dark Field Microscopy (Live Blood Cell Analysis) represents the analytic tool which allows an 
expert to directly view red blood cell (RBC) activity and determine how zeta-potential and other 
factors are affecting these RBC!s. Live Blood Cell Analysis may end up solving some of 
society's greatest health problems simply, quickly and far less expensively than months of 
intense therapy, pharmaceuticals, herbs and other remedies. 

Live blood cell analysis is used by both orthodox and alternative medical practitioners 
worldwide, and although it is not formally approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration 
(FDA) medical professionals are increasingly discovering that this innovative procedure 
provides a level of diagnostic information on cellular activity, dynamics and health far beyond 
standard or even expanded medical blood panels. 

Live blood cell analysis is thus a tool to evaluate in near-real-time, the cellular response of RBC 
to a wide variety of external stimuli (food, water, medication, etc.). The responsiveness to 
various stimuli can then be evaluated in minutes rather than in months and corrective measures 
quickly applied. 

Nutritional absorption is key 
55 out of 100 Americans can expect to die from some type of cardiovascular problem or 
alternatively have to live with severe long-term physical and/or neurological damage. On a 
lesser level, tens of millions of people worldwide are seeking ways to improve nutritional 
absorption, obtaining more effective cellular and bodily detoxification or elimination of 
environmental free radicals, achieving higher cellular and bodily energy levels and increasing 
cellular hydration for increased stamina, energy and overall physical well being. In short, such 
people are seeking healthy RBC. 

A simple analogy of an unhealthy live blood cell would be an automobile engine without a 
carburetor to inject fuel and without an exhaust to dispose of toxic carbon monoxide. Who would 
want to own an automobile like that? As it turns out, the vast majority of people are walking 
around not knowing that their body's cells are not equipped with an efficient exhaust 

Zeta-potential is a term commonly used in colloidal chemistry. When tiny mineral or organic 
particles are suspended in a fluid, zeta-potential maintains the dispersion or discreteness of the 
particles in suspension. In science, we learn that like charges repel and opposite charges 
attract. In an ideal system like blood, we want all particulates to have a like electrical charge. If 
the particles have no electrical charge, the various particles will clump together and form sludge. 
Therefore, the higher the zeta-potential the better the dispersion of particles in suspension. 

Thomas Riddick, a pioneer in colloidal chemistry, said that without zeta-potential, life could not 
exist. The high Zeta-potential or negative electrical charge on particles entering the bloodstream 
may help to increase the dispersion or discreteness of blood cells by helping to enhance the 
electrical charge on blood colloids which include blood cells. When blood cells are free flowing, 
they expose maximum surface area to the blood and are therefore able to hold and transport 
more oxygen and other nutrients throughout the body. 

Zeta-potential can be imparted to colloidal materials by a number of methods including vortexial 
fluid flow and the presence of certain types of ionic minerals that impart a negative surface 
charge to adjacent objects such as RBC. When the surfaces of adjacent RBC are similarly 
charged with a negative charge, the cells push away or repel each other, much like similar poles 
on two magnets would repel each other. 

Conversely, the improper type of ionic minerals act as free radicals and neutralize the negative 
surface charges on RBC, making them collapse on top of each other. A lot of the processed 
foods with chemical preservatives, pesticide residue and additives are of a cationic nature. Bad 
for humans. These foods have a natural Zeta-potential lowering effect on the blood. When we 
add negative health items to our diet that have a sludging effect on our blood, the situation for 
health begins to deteriorate. 

Biological Therapeutics Rejuvenate™ with its high Zeta-Factor— thanks to  its fulvic acid 
content— accomplishes these two important objectives: efficient cellular hydration and cellular 
dissociation while dark field microscopy(live blood cell analysis) provides the visible proof of 
these important results. Since the blood is nearly 90 percent water, the addition of the 
Rejuvenate™ to a regular diet may provide precisely the needed components for this de- 
coagulation of the RBC. 

It would seem that a significant reduction in cardiovascular problems could be possible by the 
use of Rejuvenate to enable the zeta-potential effect to be present in the intravascular 
bloodstream. [Biological Therapeutics]

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