Sunday, February 13, 2011

loyalty is a false premise

that which must perforce be demanded or expected of us as moral concept or social/romantic ideal is often artificial to life and deconstructive of desired longterm outcome. that which emerges indirectly from a deep commitment to keeping love and wisdom vital, to authenticity of means and engagement, embracing the variegated textures of the life-journey, seems more often to support happiness-expansion and produce the sustainable complexities important to species.
loyalty itself should perhaps be viewed as a happy, blessed coincident but irregular guest, instead of the dogmatic social contract and intrigue-engine of daytime television that its sadly morphosed into. this continuity experience, of traveling unitedly with certain ideals, habits, and people, is not one we ought pursue for its own sake, nor should we draw credit on it as evidence of some shining quality of character on our parts. instead we could perhaps honour its spontaneous appearance as a mere secondary byproduct of the more important value of being true to the shifting needs of the life arc, working as best we can with impelling forces we resist at our peril, those which rather insist we follow the unique situational and inbred directives tending toward continuous evolution and flow of our only-once-on-earth snowflake matrices.

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