"Wholeness is represented by the family, and its components are still projected upon the members of the family and personified by them. But this state is dangerous for the adult because regressive: it denotes a splitting of personality which primitive man experiences as the perilous 'loss of soul.'
In the break-up the personal components that have been integrated with such pains are once more sucked into the outside world. The individual loses his guilt and exchanges it for infantile innocence; once more he can blame the wicked father for this and the unloving mother for that, and all the time he is caught in this inescapable causal nexus like a fly in a spider's web, without noticing that he has lost his moral freedom.
But no matter how much parents and grandparents may have sinned against the child, the man who is really adult will accept these sins as his own condition which has to be reckoned with. Only a fool is interested in other people's guilt, since he cannot alter it. The wise man learns only from his own guilt. He will ask himself: Who am I that all this should happen to me? To find the answer to this fateful question he will look into his own heart." [Psychology and Alchemy]
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
bates eye method in a nutshell
a good practicum for understanding sight
but also a non-local metaphor for how to best navigate the world of experience...
Bates Method in a Nutshell
The Basics of Better Eyesight: Instructions on how to improve your vision with simple eye exercises and visual habits
Written by Alex Eulenberg in 1995, based on Better Eyesight Without Glasses by William H. Bates (New York: Henry Holt, 1981), Chapter 24, "Fundamental Principles of Treatment", pp. 193-200. Last revision, May 18, 2009.
The means to better vision is through relaxing the eyes. Rest makes vision better, strain or effort makes vision worse. There are several ways to rest the eyes.
Close your eyes. While doing this, think of something agreeable.
Cover your eyes. Called "palming". If you cover your eyes so as to exclude all light, the eyes will be able to achieve a greater degree of relaxation. Cover both eyes with the palms of your hands, your fingers crossed on your forehead. Note: in order to be successful, you must be able to relax while palming. Some people cannot do this, and palming becomes counterproductive. The blacker the field you see, the more relaxed you are. But if you "try" to see black, this may cause more strain. Don't try to see black: it is better to imagine a concrete, familiar object or scene.
Observe the swing of things. As you move your gaze from one point to another, things seen should move in the opposite direction. For example, if you look at the upper left corner of the letter "H" and then shift your gaze to the lower left corner, the "H" should appear to move, or "swing" up. If it doesn't, this is a sign of strain. There are a variety of exercises to practice the swing. You can gently swing your whole body to the left and to the right, and watch a distant tree swing to the right and to the left, you can move just your head, or just your eyes. The better the vision, the shorter the swing can be made to be.
Use your imagination. By seeing things with your mind's eye, and remember them in precise detail, you increase your ability to see actual objects better. The perfect memory of any sensation can be produced only when one is free of strain. It also helps, when practicing with a test card, to imagine that the part of a letter that one is looking at is blacker than the rest of the letter, or to imagine a small letter within a small black spot of a letter. In this way you direct your mind to appreciating finer and finer detail.
Catch those flashes. When your eyes finally achieve a state of relaxation through swinging or palming, you will see a "clear flash"; paradoxically, the sight of everything in focus is such a surprise that it causes strain, and the blur returns. So before the clear picture blurs out, close your eyes and remember the image in its full sharpness and clarity.
Keep your vision centered. When you regard an object, only one small part should be seen best. This is because only the center of the retina -- the fovea -- has the best vision for detail. Farther away from the fovea, the retinal receptors get progressively less able to pick up fine detail. Therefore, trying to catch all the detail with all of your retina at once causes strain because it cannot be done! To be able to see all the details of an image, put each detail into the center of your visual field, where it can be seen best, one at a time. Allow each detail to become less clear as you move away from it and center in on the next detail.
Enjoy the sun. Get out into the open and enjoy every sunny day. It is especially relaxing and stimulating to the eyes if you close your eyes and let the sun shine onto your lids as you sway back and forth.
Practice with a test card. Keep an eye chart on the wall. To practice, stand from 10 to 20 feet away, and read the smallest line that you can without straining. Then look at one of the letters on that line and close your eyes. Remember that letter -- go over every detail in your mind; shift from part to part, from curve to corner and so on. When you open your eyes, you will see not only that letter better, but also the one below it. If you find yourself staring at the letters, which results in the line becoming blurred as soon as it comes into focus, it is best to close the eyes before this can happen. When you open them, shift to another letter on the same line. If you close your eyes for each letter, you will become able to read the whole line. Practice every day for five minutes or more and keep a record of your progress.
but also a non-local metaphor for how to best navigate the world of experience...
Bates Method in a Nutshell
The Basics of Better Eyesight: Instructions on how to improve your vision with simple eye exercises and visual habits
Written by Alex Eulenberg in 1995, based on Better Eyesight Without Glasses by William H. Bates (New York: Henry Holt, 1981), Chapter 24, "Fundamental Principles of Treatment", pp. 193-200. Last revision, May 18, 2009.
The means to better vision is through relaxing the eyes. Rest makes vision better, strain or effort makes vision worse. There are several ways to rest the eyes.
Close your eyes. While doing this, think of something agreeable.
Cover your eyes. Called "palming". If you cover your eyes so as to exclude all light, the eyes will be able to achieve a greater degree of relaxation. Cover both eyes with the palms of your hands, your fingers crossed on your forehead. Note: in order to be successful, you must be able to relax while palming. Some people cannot do this, and palming becomes counterproductive. The blacker the field you see, the more relaxed you are. But if you "try" to see black, this may cause more strain. Don't try to see black: it is better to imagine a concrete, familiar object or scene.
Observe the swing of things. As you move your gaze from one point to another, things seen should move in the opposite direction. For example, if you look at the upper left corner of the letter "H" and then shift your gaze to the lower left corner, the "H" should appear to move, or "swing" up. If it doesn't, this is a sign of strain. There are a variety of exercises to practice the swing. You can gently swing your whole body to the left and to the right, and watch a distant tree swing to the right and to the left, you can move just your head, or just your eyes. The better the vision, the shorter the swing can be made to be.
Use your imagination. By seeing things with your mind's eye, and remember them in precise detail, you increase your ability to see actual objects better. The perfect memory of any sensation can be produced only when one is free of strain. It also helps, when practicing with a test card, to imagine that the part of a letter that one is looking at is blacker than the rest of the letter, or to imagine a small letter within a small black spot of a letter. In this way you direct your mind to appreciating finer and finer detail.
Catch those flashes. When your eyes finally achieve a state of relaxation through swinging or palming, you will see a "clear flash"; paradoxically, the sight of everything in focus is such a surprise that it causes strain, and the blur returns. So before the clear picture blurs out, close your eyes and remember the image in its full sharpness and clarity.
Keep your vision centered. When you regard an object, only one small part should be seen best. This is because only the center of the retina -- the fovea -- has the best vision for detail. Farther away from the fovea, the retinal receptors get progressively less able to pick up fine detail. Therefore, trying to catch all the detail with all of your retina at once causes strain because it cannot be done! To be able to see all the details of an image, put each detail into the center of your visual field, where it can be seen best, one at a time. Allow each detail to become less clear as you move away from it and center in on the next detail.
Enjoy the sun. Get out into the open and enjoy every sunny day. It is especially relaxing and stimulating to the eyes if you close your eyes and let the sun shine onto your lids as you sway back and forth.
Practice with a test card. Keep an eye chart on the wall. To practice, stand from 10 to 20 feet away, and read the smallest line that you can without straining. Then look at one of the letters on that line and close your eyes. Remember that letter -- go over every detail in your mind; shift from part to part, from curve to corner and so on. When you open your eyes, you will see not only that letter better, but also the one below it. If you find yourself staring at the letters, which results in the line becoming blurred as soon as it comes into focus, it is best to close the eyes before this can happen. When you open them, shift to another letter on the same line. If you close your eyes for each letter, you will become able to read the whole line. Practice every day for five minutes or more and keep a record of your progress.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
McLuhan on being an amateur
"My education was of the most ordinary description, consisting of little more than the rudiments of reading, writing, and arithmetic at a common day school. My hours out of school were passed at home and in the streets." Michael Faraday, who had little mathematics and no formal schooling beyond the primary grades, is celebrated as an experimenter who discovered the induction of electricity. He was one of the great founders of modern physics. It is generally acknowledged that Faraday's ignorance of mathematics contributed to his inspiration, that it compelled him to develop a simple, nonmathematical concept when he looked for an explanation of his electrical and magnetic phenomena. Faraday had two qualities that more than made up for his lack of education: fantastic intuition and independence and originality of mind.
Professionalism is environmental. Amateurism is anti-environmental. Professionalism merges the individual into patterns of total environment. Amateurism seeks the development of the total awareness of the individual and the critical awareness of the groundrules of the environment. The groundrules provided by the mass response of his colleagues serve as a pervasive environment of which he is contentedly unaware. The "expert" is the man who stays put.
"There are children playing in the street who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago." [Robert Oppenheimer]
Professionalism is environmental. Amateurism is anti-environmental. Professionalism merges the individual into patterns of total environment. Amateurism seeks the development of the total awareness of the individual and the critical awareness of the groundrules of the environment. The groundrules provided by the mass response of his colleagues serve as a pervasive environment of which he is contentedly unaware. The "expert" is the man who stays put.
"There are children playing in the street who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago." [Robert Oppenheimer]
Monday, October 31, 2011
"Biomimicry (from bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate) is a new discipline that studies nature's best ideas and then imitates these designs and processes to solve human problems. Studying a leaf to invent a better solar cell is an example.
"The core idea is that nature, imaginative by necessity, has already solved many of the problems we are grappling with. Animals, plants, and microbes are the consummate engineers. They have found what works, what is appropriate, and most important, what lasts here on Earth. This is the real news of biomimicry: After 3.8 billion years of research and development, failures are fossils, and what surrounds us is the secret to survival."
[excerpted from Janine Benyus' Biomimicry Institute website]
"The core idea is that nature, imaginative by necessity, has already solved many of the problems we are grappling with. Animals, plants, and microbes are the consummate engineers. They have found what works, what is appropriate, and most important, what lasts here on Earth. This is the real news of biomimicry: After 3.8 billion years of research and development, failures are fossils, and what surrounds us is the secret to survival."
[excerpted from Janine Benyus' Biomimicry Institute website]
Sunday, October 30, 2011
uranus-pluto and material energy
"The Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 1705-16 coincided with the invention of the steam engine and the discovery of the use of coal for iron-smelting furnaces that began the Industrial Revolution and the age of steam, iron, and coal. The following conjunction of 1845-56 coincided with the discovery of petroleum oil as a fuel, a discovery that began the petroleum age whose cultural, ecological, and geopolitical consequences are still unfolding. And the following opposition of 1896-1907 coincided with the birth of the nuclear age with the discovery of radioactivity in uranium, the isolation of radium and polonium, and Einstein's E = mc2 formulation." [Richard Tarnas, Cosmos and Psyche]
reactor-free medical isotopes developed
always good to hear report of ongoing disentanglements between manufacturers of weapons-grade uranium and western medicine. isotopes are used to deliver radiation to direct targets from inside the body as opposed to getting radiated from the outside. unfortunately, the truth that there's no good use for radiation (or nuclear weaponry industries dressed in energy industry garb) is rarely reported...
"Medical isotopes could be made without a nuclear reactor"
Canadian researchers are racing to perfect a safe, clean, inexpensive and reliable method for making isotopes used in medical-imaging and diagnostic procedures.
"Medical isotopes could be made without a nuclear reactor"
Canadian researchers are racing to perfect a safe, clean, inexpensive and reliable method for making isotopes used in medical-imaging and diagnostic procedures.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
piriformis or SI joint pain?
interestingly, the piriformis not only stabilizes the femur, its the key muscle responsible for the lateral rotation of the hip joint, meaning it's the muscle that allows us to open the groin and make ourselves vulnerable. i say interesting, because of how chronic we, the western population as a statistical pool, go into rigid spasm, locking down the front by seizing up in the back instead... humans. looking one way while doing another since, um, forever...
here's the best discussion i've come across on the guiding features that distinguish SI joint pain from piriformis entrapment of the sciatic... Piriformis or SI Joint Pain? by a Certified Advanced Rolfer...
here's the best discussion i've come across on the guiding features that distinguish SI joint pain from piriformis entrapment of the sciatic... Piriformis or SI Joint Pain? by a Certified Advanced Rolfer...
on the uranus-pluto cycle
"The powerful wave of feeling that overcame the Legislative Assembly in July 1792 at the height of the democratic period of the Revolution, when the deputies suddenly surrendered their antagonisms and commenced embracing and kissing each other in tears of deep emotion, and that swept through Paris generally in 1792 had its counterparts in such events as the San Francisco Summer of Love in 1967 or the Woodstock music festival in 1969." [Cosmos and Psyche: Richard Tarnas]
URANUS-PLUTO decades: "repeated outbursts of mass emotions of great intensity; whether violent or libidinous, the dominant archetypal complex in each of these periods seemed to constellate sudden sustained outbursts of nonspecific emotional intensity and elemental power that informed and compelled human activity and experience on a mass scale." [ibid]
URANUS-PLUTO decades: "repeated outbursts of mass emotions of great intensity; whether violent or libidinous, the dominant archetypal complex in each of these periods seemed to constellate sudden sustained outbursts of nonspecific emotional intensity and elemental power that informed and compelled human activity and experience on a mass scale." [ibid]
Friday, October 21, 2011
as above
Light Show In The Sky For October-November 2011
by Robert Wilkinson
Right now we have a great light show in the evening skies!
Mercury and Venus are both evening stars at this time of the year, and will be for several weeks to come. You can see Venus very clearly for the next few weeks just after sunset. At the same time, just below it you can see Mercury. The distance between the two will close between now and early November, when they will seem like "twinned stars" in the sunset sky.
Jupiter is about to become very bright as a "morning star" over the next month due to where it is relative to the Sun. It will be particularly bright in the Eastern sky at sunset during the coming New Moon on October 26-27, just as it will be every day through the time of the Moon conjunct Jupiter during the 19 Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon on November 10-11.
Very early risers will see reddish Mars in the Eastern skies from about 2:15 to 5 am from now through December. As the months roll on, Mars will be more elevated in the Eastern sky as the weeks move on, and by December Saturn will also be a "morning star" on the Eastern horizon beginning around 5 am.
All these times must be adjusted toward a couple of hours earlier in the Southern Hemisphere, since the Sun rises very early there in November and December. Anyway, a few things to keep in mind during the periods just before sunrise and just after sunset over the next few weeks. Enjoy the celestial light show!!
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
by Robert Wilkinson
Right now we have a great light show in the evening skies!
Mercury and Venus are both evening stars at this time of the year, and will be for several weeks to come. You can see Venus very clearly for the next few weeks just after sunset. At the same time, just below it you can see Mercury. The distance between the two will close between now and early November, when they will seem like "twinned stars" in the sunset sky.
Jupiter is about to become very bright as a "morning star" over the next month due to where it is relative to the Sun. It will be particularly bright in the Eastern sky at sunset during the coming New Moon on October 26-27, just as it will be every day through the time of the Moon conjunct Jupiter during the 19 Taurus-Scorpio Full Moon on November 10-11.
Very early risers will see reddish Mars in the Eastern skies from about 2:15 to 5 am from now through December. As the months roll on, Mars will be more elevated in the Eastern sky as the weeks move on, and by December Saturn will also be a "morning star" on the Eastern horizon beginning around 5 am.
All these times must be adjusted toward a couple of hours earlier in the Southern Hemisphere, since the Sun rises very early there in November and December. Anyway, a few things to keep in mind during the periods just before sunrise and just after sunset over the next few weeks. Enjoy the celestial light show!!
© Copyright 2011 Robert Wilkinson
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
distorted thinking (book excerpt)
1) Filtering: You take the negative details and magnify them, while filtering out all positive aspects of a situation. A single detail may be picked out, and the whole event becomes colored by this detail. When you pull negative things out of context, isolated from all the good experiences around you, you make them larger and more awful than they really are.
2) Polarized Thinking: The hallmark of this distortion is an insistence on dichotomous choices. Things are black and white, good or bad. You tend to perceive everything at the extremes, with very little room for middle ground. The greatest danger in polarized thinking is its impact on how you judge yourself. For example, you have to be perfect or you're a failure.
3) Overgeneralization: You come to a general conclusion based on a single incident or piece of evidence. If something bad happens once, you expect it to happen over and over again. 'Always' and 'never' are cues that this style of thinking is being utilized. This distortion can lead to a restricted life, as you avoid future failures based on the single incident or event.
4) Mind Reading: Without their saying so, you know what people are feeling and why they act the way they do. In particular, you are able to divine how people are feeling towards you. Mind reading depends on a process called projection. You imagine that people feel the same way you do and react to things the same way you do. Therefore, you don't watch or listen carefully enough to notice that they are actually different. Mind readers jump to conclusions that are true for them, without checking whether they are true for the other person.
5) Catastrophizing: You expect disaster. You notice or hear about a problem and start "what if's." What if that happens to me? What if tragedy strikes? There are no limits to a really fertile catastrophic imagination. An underlying catalyst for this style of thinking is that you do not trust in yourself and your capacity to adapt to change.
6) Personalization: This is the tendency to relate everything around you to yourself. For example, thinking that everything people do or say is some kind of reaction to you. You also compare yourself to others, trying to determine who's smarter, better looking, etc. The underlying assumption is that your worth is in question. You are therefore continually forced to test your value as a person by measuring yourself against others. If you come out better, you get a moment's relief. If you come up short, you feel diminished. The basic thinking error is that you interpret each experience, each conversation, each look as a cue to your worth and value.
7) Control Fallacies: There are two ways you can distort your sense of power and control. If you feel externally controlled, you see yourself as helpless, a victim of fate. The fallacy of internal control has you responsible for the pain and happiness of everyone around you. Feeling externally controlled keeps you stuck. You don't believe you can really affect the basic shape of your life, let alone make any difference in the world. The truth of the matter is that we are constantly making decisions, and every decisions affects our lives. On the other hand, the fallacy of internal control leaves you exhausted as you attempt to fill the needs of everyone around you, and feel responsible in doing so (and guilty when you cannot).
8) Fallacy of Fairness: You feel resentful because you think you know what's fair, but other people won't agree with you. Fairness is so conveniently defined, so temptingly self-serving, that each person gets locked into his or her own point of view. It is tempting to make assumptions about how things would change if people were only fair or really valued you. But the other person hardly ever sees it that way, and you end up causing yourself a lot of pain and an ever-growing resentment.
9) Blaming: You hold other people responsible for your pain, or take the other tack and blame yourself for every problem. Blaming often involves making someone else responsible for choices and decisions that are actually our own responsibility. In blame systems, you deny your right (and responsibility) to assert your needs, say no, or go elsewhere for what you want.
10) Shoulds: You have a list of ironclad rules about how you and other people should act. People who break the rules anger you, and you feel guilty if you violate the rules. The rules are right and indisputable and, as a result, you are often in the position of judging and finding fault (in yourself and in others). Cue words indicating the presence of this distortion are should, ought, and must.
11) Emotional Reasoning: You believe that what you feel must be true - automatically. If you feel stupid or boring, then you must be stupid and boring. If you feel guilty, then you must have done something wrong. The problem with emotional reasoning is that our emotions interact and correlate with our thinking process. Therefore, if you have distorted thoughts and beliefs, your emotions will reflect these distortions.
12) Fallacy of Change: You expect that other people will change to suit you if you just pressure or cajole them enough. You need to change people because your hopes for happiness seem to depend entirely on them. The truth is the only person you can really control or have much hope of changing is yourself. The underlying assumption of this thinking style is that your happiness depends on the actions of others. Your happiness actually depends on the thousands of large and small choices you make in your life.
13) Global Labeling: You generalize one or two qualities (in yourself or others) into a negative global judgement. Global labeling ignores all contrary evidence, creating a view of the world that can be stereotyped and one-dimensional. Labeling yourself can have a negative and insidious impact upon your self-esteem; while labeling others can lead to snap-judgments, relationship problems, and prejudice.
14) Being Right: You feel continually on trial to prove that your opinions and actions are correct. Being wrong is unthinkable and you will go to any length to demonstrate your rightness. Having to be 'right' often makes you hard of hearing. You aren't interested in the possible veracity of a differing opinion, only in defending your own. Being right becomes more important than an honest and caring relationship.
15) Heaven's Reward Fallacy: You expect all your sacrifice and self-denial to pay off, as if there were someone keeping score. You feel bitter when the reward doesn't come as expected. The problem is that while you are always doing the 'right thing,' if your heart really isn't in it, you are physically and emotionally depleting yourself.
*excerpted from THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS by McKay, Davis, and Fanning. New Harbinger, 1981. These styles of thinking (or cognitive distortions) were gleaned from the work of several authors, including Albert Ellis, Aaron Beck, and David Burns, among others.
1) Filtering: You take the negative details and magnify them, while filtering out all positive aspects of a situation. A single detail may be picked out, and the whole event becomes colored by this detail. When you pull negative things out of context, isolated from all the good experiences around you, you make them larger and more awful than they really are.
2) Polarized Thinking: The hallmark of this distortion is an insistence on dichotomous choices. Things are black and white, good or bad. You tend to perceive everything at the extremes, with very little room for middle ground. The greatest danger in polarized thinking is its impact on how you judge yourself. For example, you have to be perfect or you're a failure.
3) Overgeneralization: You come to a general conclusion based on a single incident or piece of evidence. If something bad happens once, you expect it to happen over and over again. 'Always' and 'never' are cues that this style of thinking is being utilized. This distortion can lead to a restricted life, as you avoid future failures based on the single incident or event.
4) Mind Reading: Without their saying so, you know what people are feeling and why they act the way they do. In particular, you are able to divine how people are feeling towards you. Mind reading depends on a process called projection. You imagine that people feel the same way you do and react to things the same way you do. Therefore, you don't watch or listen carefully enough to notice that they are actually different. Mind readers jump to conclusions that are true for them, without checking whether they are true for the other person.
5) Catastrophizing: You expect disaster. You notice or hear about a problem and start "what if's." What if that happens to me? What if tragedy strikes? There are no limits to a really fertile catastrophic imagination. An underlying catalyst for this style of thinking is that you do not trust in yourself and your capacity to adapt to change.
6) Personalization: This is the tendency to relate everything around you to yourself. For example, thinking that everything people do or say is some kind of reaction to you. You also compare yourself to others, trying to determine who's smarter, better looking, etc. The underlying assumption is that your worth is in question. You are therefore continually forced to test your value as a person by measuring yourself against others. If you come out better, you get a moment's relief. If you come up short, you feel diminished. The basic thinking error is that you interpret each experience, each conversation, each look as a cue to your worth and value.
7) Control Fallacies: There are two ways you can distort your sense of power and control. If you feel externally controlled, you see yourself as helpless, a victim of fate. The fallacy of internal control has you responsible for the pain and happiness of everyone around you. Feeling externally controlled keeps you stuck. You don't believe you can really affect the basic shape of your life, let alone make any difference in the world. The truth of the matter is that we are constantly making decisions, and every decisions affects our lives. On the other hand, the fallacy of internal control leaves you exhausted as you attempt to fill the needs of everyone around you, and feel responsible in doing so (and guilty when you cannot).
8) Fallacy of Fairness: You feel resentful because you think you know what's fair, but other people won't agree with you. Fairness is so conveniently defined, so temptingly self-serving, that each person gets locked into his or her own point of view. It is tempting to make assumptions about how things would change if people were only fair or really valued you. But the other person hardly ever sees it that way, and you end up causing yourself a lot of pain and an ever-growing resentment.
9) Blaming: You hold other people responsible for your pain, or take the other tack and blame yourself for every problem. Blaming often involves making someone else responsible for choices and decisions that are actually our own responsibility. In blame systems, you deny your right (and responsibility) to assert your needs, say no, or go elsewhere for what you want.
10) Shoulds: You have a list of ironclad rules about how you and other people should act. People who break the rules anger you, and you feel guilty if you violate the rules. The rules are right and indisputable and, as a result, you are often in the position of judging and finding fault (in yourself and in others). Cue words indicating the presence of this distortion are should, ought, and must.
11) Emotional Reasoning: You believe that what you feel must be true - automatically. If you feel stupid or boring, then you must be stupid and boring. If you feel guilty, then you must have done something wrong. The problem with emotional reasoning is that our emotions interact and correlate with our thinking process. Therefore, if you have distorted thoughts and beliefs, your emotions will reflect these distortions.
12) Fallacy of Change: You expect that other people will change to suit you if you just pressure or cajole them enough. You need to change people because your hopes for happiness seem to depend entirely on them. The truth is the only person you can really control or have much hope of changing is yourself. The underlying assumption of this thinking style is that your happiness depends on the actions of others. Your happiness actually depends on the thousands of large and small choices you make in your life.
13) Global Labeling: You generalize one or two qualities (in yourself or others) into a negative global judgement. Global labeling ignores all contrary evidence, creating a view of the world that can be stereotyped and one-dimensional. Labeling yourself can have a negative and insidious impact upon your self-esteem; while labeling others can lead to snap-judgments, relationship problems, and prejudice.
14) Being Right: You feel continually on trial to prove that your opinions and actions are correct. Being wrong is unthinkable and you will go to any length to demonstrate your rightness. Having to be 'right' often makes you hard of hearing. You aren't interested in the possible veracity of a differing opinion, only in defending your own. Being right becomes more important than an honest and caring relationship.
15) Heaven's Reward Fallacy: You expect all your sacrifice and self-denial to pay off, as if there were someone keeping score. You feel bitter when the reward doesn't come as expected. The problem is that while you are always doing the 'right thing,' if your heart really isn't in it, you are physically and emotionally depleting yourself.
*excerpted from THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS by McKay, Davis, and Fanning. New Harbinger, 1981. These styles of thinking (or cognitive distortions) were gleaned from the work of several authors, including Albert Ellis, Aaron Beck, and David Burns, among others.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
THE BEAUTY OF TOTALITY, by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
"Ultimate goodness is connected with the notion of ultimate joy without comparison to suffering. Out of that joy we begin to experience, visually, the beauty of the blue sky; the beauty of a red rose; the beauty of a white chrysanthemum; the beauty of chattering brooks; the beauty of the openness of the ocean, where sky and land meet; the beauty of sweet and sour; the beauty of music, high pitches and low; the beauty of experiencing warmth on our bodies; the beauty of cool air, which creates natural refreshment; the beauty of eating a meal when we feel hungry; the beauty of drinking water when we feel thirsty; the beauty of learning more things when we feel that we are not learned enough. I don’t want to paint a pleasure-oriented picture alone. There is also the beauty of your schoolmaster pinching you on the cheek, the beauty of being too hot on a midsummer’s day; the beauty of being too cold in the middle of winter—the beauty of pain as well as the beauty of pleasure."
"Ultimate goodness is connected with the notion of ultimate joy without comparison to suffering. Out of that joy we begin to experience, visually, the beauty of the blue sky; the beauty of a red rose; the beauty of a white chrysanthemum; the beauty of chattering brooks; the beauty of the openness of the ocean, where sky and land meet; the beauty of sweet and sour; the beauty of music, high pitches and low; the beauty of experiencing warmth on our bodies; the beauty of cool air, which creates natural refreshment; the beauty of eating a meal when we feel hungry; the beauty of drinking water when we feel thirsty; the beauty of learning more things when we feel that we are not learned enough. I don’t want to paint a pleasure-oriented picture alone. There is also the beauty of your schoolmaster pinching you on the cheek, the beauty of being too hot on a midsummer’s day; the beauty of being too cold in the middle of winter—the beauty of pain as well as the beauty of pleasure."
Monday, October 3, 2011

"The difference between Crowley's LUST card and the traditional STRENGTH card can be illustrated by two formulas: that of St. George killing the Dragon, and that of Beauty and the Beast. In the STRENGTH card, St. George kills the dragon to save the damsel in distress, thus the woman and the beast are kept separate, and the woman is mild and powerless. In the LUST card, the woman herself falls in love with the Beast, and while in some versions of the tale the Beast becomes a man due to her love, in others the woman becomes a Beast as well. Thus, LUST relates more to the acceptance of the bestial lust and vigor for life, rather than the denial and destruction of its primal force." [Kim Huggens]
Monday, September 26, 2011
summary of the archetypes
the human ordeal of consciousness and willful achievement, well put by Robert Wilkinson in this summation, "Life energy is initiated in Aries, substantiated in Taurus, explored in Gemini, grounded in Cancer, renewed and creatively expressed in Leo, refined and ordered in Virgo, balanced in Libra, purified in Scorpio, expanded in Sagittarius, organized in Capricorn, solidified into a vision in Aquarius, and ended/perpetuated in Pisces."
Sunday, September 25, 2011
mistress knowledge
biting off more than one can chew can be an endearing quality, except when the struggling chomper's a polemicist who's proving inflexible of the changes or recantations required by mistress knowledge, someone apparently unaffected by the evolving and starker clarity of self evident counter report.
a better man bows to the fullest complexion possible on his subject, a lesser one digs heels in on old decisions and biases, making a mockery of any system of investigation's ability to grapple with inconvenient facts. tut tut.
here's a link to the article,
and below a reply from James DeMeo, PhD,
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, Ashland, Oregon
How the Sexual Revolution Came to America
By Christopher Turner
Illustrated. 532 pp. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $35.
In the classic confessional memoir “The God That Failed,” Arthur Koestler describes some of the characters who made up the constituency of his Communist Party group in Berlin in the early 1930s:
“Among other members of our cell, I remember Dr. Wilhelm Reich. He . . . had just published a book called ‘The Function of the Orgasm,’ in which he had expounded the theory that the sexual frustration of the proletariat caused a thwarting of its political consciousness; only through a full, uninhibited release of the sexual urge could the working class realize its revolutionary potentialities and historic mission; the whole thing was less cockeyed than it sounds.”
Pausing briefly to ask oneself how the word “cockeyed” translates into Berlin vernacular, one next inquires how the theory could have been more preposterous than at first appeared. Apart from his life of tireless and sensational debauchery, Koestler himself was famous for hitching his wagon to various movements of the paranormal and the extrasensory; he might have been expected to give Reich’s oddball theories a try even as both men spun off from the dying planet of Soviet Communism. But what is extraordinary is the number of apparently level and careful people who, in pursuit of the better and bigger orgasm, were prepared to lower themselves into Reich’s jerry-built “orgone box” and await blissful developments. One is not so surprised to read of the enthusiasm of try-anything-once artists like Allen Ginsberg, Henry Miller, William Burroughs and Norman Mailer. But how must Albert Einstein have felt, while engaged on his two weeks of study of orgone properties? (He did at least conclude that the “box” was an insult to the laws of physics.) Did Saul Bellow not succumb to the queasy feeling that he might be looking like a sap?
... read the full book review here and below a reply to this article from James DeMeo ...
What a shame that you did not personally investigate Dr. Wilhelm Reich's biophysical work, before accepting at face value what the non-scientist faux-literary and travel-book author Christopher Turner, has pronounced in his deeply flawed and biased "Adventures in the Orgasmatron". The title alone should have given you some pause. But it is fashionable these days to always laugh at the poor sot in the stocks, whomever it might be, against whom we can throw all our emotional crap, like the Muslims throw stones at the Devil-pillar in Mecca. Everyone then feels so much better. Was that you?
To inform: I've investigated Reich's biophysical work over decades, including his orgone energy accumulator, and can personally report (and have done so in many published articles and books) that his findings are both sound and reproducible. Review these, for example:
I'm not alone in that regard, of having replicated Reich's biophysics. Do you even know the published literature on this issue? Does any of that matter to you? Or must one have a big name, and big publisher sponsor an ad campaign and reviews for the Times to get your attention? Do you know anything about the history of scientific discovery, and repression? How the “mainstream” always goes with the reactionary pogroms against new discovery?
Turner surely knows the evidence in favor of Reich's biophysics -- he attended scientific conferences where such information was presented – which shatters his central thesis of "Reich the Crackpot". He deliberately does not mention any of it. He also fabricates a deceit against Reich, through a faux guilt-by-association with every kind of sexually-twisted example from the late 20th Century – also ignoring Reich’s frequent denouncements of the same.
You once wrote a book about Orwell, noting with accuracy something he said: "Lies of Omission are the worst kind of lie". Precisely because the ignorant won't even know they are being led into dangerous waters. That pretty much defines the Turner book, as well as what you just did, lending your otherwise good name towards yet another public auto-da-fe abuse of Reich's corpse.
Reich's work is a testament to the dangers of book-burning – I note, you said nothing about that. You might review my article "New Information on the Persecution and Death of Wilhelm Reich" to see how it wasn't the old "McCarthites" who engineered his death in prison, and the book-burning, but rather liberal-left-atheist Reds of various hues, including members of two notable Soviet spy rings. You can damn well read the article to learn the details. Here:
This is doubly regrettable for you personally, because the orgone accumulator has a notable capacity to often (but not always) shrink tumors, reduce the physical pains associated with cancer, and stimulate a return of appetite, energy and vitality to those withering away, depending upon how far it has gone.
I'd always considered you a man of principle and decency, but this time you've gone way off the rails. If you can center yourself, and not merely react to my strong words, you might ask, just what is going on, and why, that people are so exercised after 50+ years after Reich's death, that they want not only to blame the worst aspects of the New Left sexual rebellion on him, but to also make yet another merciless round of "analysis" (eg, defamatory sex-smears and jokes) about the orgone accumulator -- which in spite of what the AMA or FDA might proclaim, is an authentic scientific and curative device!
James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA
PS. For my several scientific books on this and related subjects, do an Amazon.com search on my name.
a better man bows to the fullest complexion possible on his subject, a lesser one digs heels in on old decisions and biases, making a mockery of any system of investigation's ability to grapple with inconvenient facts. tut tut.

and below a reply from James DeMeo, PhD,
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab, Ashland, Oregon
How the Sexual Revolution Came to America
By Christopher Turner
Illustrated. 532 pp. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $35.
In the classic confessional memoir “The God That Failed,” Arthur Koestler describes some of the characters who made up the constituency of his Communist Party group in Berlin in the early 1930s:
“Among other members of our cell, I remember Dr. Wilhelm Reich. He . . . had just published a book called ‘The Function of the Orgasm,’ in which he had expounded the theory that the sexual frustration of the proletariat caused a thwarting of its political consciousness; only through a full, uninhibited release of the sexual urge could the working class realize its revolutionary potentialities and historic mission; the whole thing was less cockeyed than it sounds.”
Pausing briefly to ask oneself how the word “cockeyed” translates into Berlin vernacular, one next inquires how the theory could have been more preposterous than at first appeared. Apart from his life of tireless and sensational debauchery, Koestler himself was famous for hitching his wagon to various movements of the paranormal and the extrasensory; he might have been expected to give Reich’s oddball theories a try even as both men spun off from the dying planet of Soviet Communism. But what is extraordinary is the number of apparently level and careful people who, in pursuit of the better and bigger orgasm, were prepared to lower themselves into Reich’s jerry-built “orgone box” and await blissful developments. One is not so surprised to read of the enthusiasm of try-anything-once artists like Allen Ginsberg, Henry Miller, William Burroughs and Norman Mailer. But how must Albert Einstein have felt, while engaged on his two weeks of study of orgone properties? (He did at least conclude that the “box” was an insult to the laws of physics.) Did Saul Bellow not succumb to the queasy feeling that he might be looking like a sap?
... read the full book review here and below a reply to this article from James DeMeo ...
What a shame that you did not personally investigate Dr. Wilhelm Reich's biophysical work, before accepting at face value what the non-scientist faux-literary and travel-book author Christopher Turner, has pronounced in his deeply flawed and biased "Adventures in the Orgasmatron". The title alone should have given you some pause. But it is fashionable these days to always laugh at the poor sot in the stocks, whomever it might be, against whom we can throw all our emotional crap, like the Muslims throw stones at the Devil-pillar in Mecca. Everyone then feels so much better. Was that you?
To inform: I've investigated Reich's biophysical work over decades, including his orgone energy accumulator, and can personally report (and have done so in many published articles and books) that his findings are both sound and reproducible. Review these, for example:
I'm not alone in that regard, of having replicated Reich's biophysics. Do you even know the published literature on this issue? Does any of that matter to you? Or must one have a big name, and big publisher sponsor an ad campaign and reviews for the Times to get your attention? Do you know anything about the history of scientific discovery, and repression? How the “mainstream” always goes with the reactionary pogroms against new discovery?
Turner surely knows the evidence in favor of Reich's biophysics -- he attended scientific conferences where such information was presented – which shatters his central thesis of "Reich the Crackpot". He deliberately does not mention any of it. He also fabricates a deceit against Reich, through a faux guilt-by-association with every kind of sexually-twisted example from the late 20th Century – also ignoring Reich’s frequent denouncements of the same.
You once wrote a book about Orwell, noting with accuracy something he said: "Lies of Omission are the worst kind of lie". Precisely because the ignorant won't even know they are being led into dangerous waters. That pretty much defines the Turner book, as well as what you just did, lending your otherwise good name towards yet another public auto-da-fe abuse of Reich's corpse.
Reich's work is a testament to the dangers of book-burning – I note, you said nothing about that. You might review my article "New Information on the Persecution and Death of Wilhelm Reich" to see how it wasn't the old "McCarthites" who engineered his death in prison, and the book-burning, but rather liberal-left-atheist Reds of various hues, including members of two notable Soviet spy rings. You can damn well read the article to learn the details. Here:
This is doubly regrettable for you personally, because the orgone accumulator has a notable capacity to often (but not always) shrink tumors, reduce the physical pains associated with cancer, and stimulate a return of appetite, energy and vitality to those withering away, depending upon how far it has gone.
I'd always considered you a man of principle and decency, but this time you've gone way off the rails. If you can center yourself, and not merely react to my strong words, you might ask, just what is going on, and why, that people are so exercised after 50+ years after Reich's death, that they want not only to blame the worst aspects of the New Left sexual rebellion on him, but to also make yet another merciless round of "analysis" (eg, defamatory sex-smears and jokes) about the orgone accumulator -- which in spite of what the AMA or FDA might proclaim, is an authentic scientific and curative device!
James DeMeo, PhD
Director, Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
Ashland, Oregon, USA
PS. For my several scientific books on this and related subjects, do an Amazon.com search on my name.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
AURUM by Edward C. Whitmont, M.D.

GOLD is the metal of the sun. For untold ages, it has held fascination for mankind. Gold has been the "royal" metal furnishing the king's solar halos: their crowns. Universally it is a symbol of imperishable value. Even when gold no longer supplies the actual coinage it nevertheless continues to represent the basic standard of currency. Evidently the collective psyche harbours an unconscious awareness of a supreme symbolic significance inherent in gold.
In Hermetic tradition gold is held to be part of a cosmic "functional" triad comprised of sun, heart and gold as corresponding, synonymous entities. It is noteworthy that the sun rhythmically "pulses" in a way that is analogous to the heart. It contracts and expands about .002% of its diameter (or about 3K) in approximately two hours and forty minutes.
For alchemy gold represented the solar principle and the highest goal of spiritual transformation. ("Our gold is not the gold of the vulgar" was an alchemical saying.) Astrologically, the solar principle stands for the life will in the individuating human consciousness, the sense of self-value, honesty, responsibility, pride, willpower, vital strength and the capacity to exert control, all vested in the heart.
Among many Indian tribes the rising sun was greeted by breathing upon one's hand and offering one's breath to it as the source of life. In a more gruesome ritual, the Aztecs would tear out the living heart of their sacrificial victims, preferably prisoners of war or nobles, and hold it up as an offering to its "father" the sun.
These traditions bear witness to the deeply felt correspondence between the substance of gold, the sun and the sun-like organ, the heart. It is interesting in this connection that the center and source of consciousness as well as the life will were traditionally associated with the heart, the organ of feeling, rather than the brain.
Astrologically, our consciousness is seen as anchored in the two "lights," the assertive "greater light" the sun and the receptive "lesser light" the moon. Both are polarized by their "antagonist" Saturn, the principle of limitation, who rules the metal lead and the bony skeleton which defines and limits our existence in time and space. Under Saturn's influence the sun becomes "black," the sol niger of alchemy, representing decay, depression and death. Hence the goal of the alchemical opus was the transmutation of earthbound Saturnian stuff, of lead, into spiritual essence, into gold.
The sun is the center of our universe. But like human consciousness and human will, the sun is still subordinate to a higher center, the center of the galaxy which, according to newest observations, is a black hole: a mysterious entity in which time, space and substance as we know them are vitiated. Thus, the solar principle expresses also the problem of human individuality, balanced and polarized between life and death, between the dark mystery of the transcendent "center" above and the Saturnian limitation below, to both of which our light of consciousness and sense of individual life are subordinate.
As focal points of consciousness the sun and moon also rule our chief sensory orientations - the outgoing sun ruling the outer-oriented attitudes of smell (associated with Muladhara, the basic Saturnian earth chakra) and of vision. ("Were not the eye to sun akin, how could we ever behold the light?" -Goethe.) Hence gold affects heart and circulation, the bony skeleton (ruled by Saturn), eyes and nose. Correspondingly, the receptive moon rules the inner-oriented gesture of hearing; hence the moon, like permeable and receptive Calc. carb., Phosphor or Pulsatilla, has a greater affinity to the ears.
The pathology of Gold fits personalities of a serious, over-responsible and depressive character.
The solar types are would-be rulers, "kings," that feel actively responsible for the destinies of their "subjects" and for the burdens they themselves have assumed.
Usually, they are active and intrinsically strong people who feel they bear heavy responsibilities often experienced as overwhelming. Their pathology expresses the tension between their sense of responsibility, their will and felt call to control people and circumstances, as over the existential limitations they encounter.
Physically they tend to be ruddy, dark-complexioned, plethoric, active and strong, sometimes heavy-set. Or, the other side of the spectrum: oldish-looking, low-spirited "overwhelmed" children, often boys with atrophy of the testicles.
Responsible fathers or heads of families, (regardless of whether they happen to be males or female), effective business and executive types with strong willpower, they occupy highly responsible functions, and like the mythological Atlas who had to carry the weight of the whole globe on his shoulders, they frequently carry more than they can. Burdened by an often over-scrupulous conscience that overshoots the mark, and inclined to take matters too seriously, they tend to see predominantly the dark side of problems and of life. (Impressively enough, this is also a symptom of disturbed physical vision: seeing only the lower half of objects.)
They have a hard time tolerating contradiction. Yet they do not show their anger or worries, do not say much and tend to withdraw into solitude.
But swallowing rather than expressing their emotions intensifies inner as well as outer tensions, eventually to the point of explosive breakdown. To these situations they respond with self-criticisms, self-accusations, and heavy, often unjustified, feelings of guilt, worthlessness and self-condemnation.
Readily overwhelmed by a load that feels or actually is too heavy for them, they are given to anxiety and restlessness about trifles, about the future and about their health. They tend to feel neglected and deserted and become silently brooding, show aversion to other people including even their immediate kin, and tend to isolate themselves.
Ultimately this may lead to hopeless despondency, depression and despair, emotionally no less than physically (despair about pain), to a loathing of life and suicidal tendencies. Often these types may be found among seemingly strong and silent people who suddenly commit suicide.
Noise bothers them, but the solar types are uniquely sensitive and made to feel organically better from music. (Kent's repertory lists only Aurum and Tarantula under this rubric.)
Apparently, music conveys solar light and life strength. We are reminded of the Biblical image of King Saul having lost his connection with God and in deep depression: "... and whenever the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, David took the lyre and played it with his hand; so Saul was refreshed and was well and the evil spirit departed from him." (1 Samuel: 16, 23)
Apollo, the Greek sun god, is also a musician. Traditionally, from the sun issues the "harmony of the spheres," and Goethe opens his individuation drama Faust with the archangel's intoning:
"The sun sounds forth in ancient fashion
In brother sphere's competing song."
Like sun-kings, the Gold types feel oppressed mentally and physically when hemmed in. They have to be on the move and feel better by walking around.
Clinically, the Gold scope includes also ailments from anger, fright, contradiction and disappointed affection and unhappy love.
The aggravations at night, in the winter, in cold weather, as well as from heat, the desire for open air and improvement from bathing fit well with the solar pathology.
Strongly rooted in a sense of ego, Gold types have a great tolerance of alcohol and may drink a lot, but not like Phosphor in a search for easy ecstasy. Instead Gold types drink in order to temporarily lighten the burden of their worries and responsibilities. Yet, in extreme cases the addictive outcome is the same. On the other hand, like Phosphor the carrier of light, Aurum the solar principle and Sulphur the carrier of sol-sun are anidotal to, as well as in their pathology generating a susceptibility to, consciousness-lowering drug dependency.
Monday, September 12, 2011
reclaim somatic ground

this kind of shift in the way we experience ourselves would take such stress off of our interfacing. we withhold so much of our own energies hating our bodies, it makes us weak and ineffectual. there's no benefit to be had, neither darwinian nor epigenetic, from self-hatred.
artwork by Arrington de Dionysos
Friday, September 9, 2011
animals touch their kind extensively and to their benefit. our denatured minds have so fucked us over in terms of our embodiment patterns and ways of interrelating between bodies, but the good news is we're becoming aware of our touch deficit and our lack of access to safe, respectful, nurturing touch.
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Excerpted from C.G. Jung's 'The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga' courtesy Gary Sparks
"Above the diaphragm you come into anahata, the heart or air center, because the heart is embedded in the lungs and the whole activity of the heart is closely associated with the lungs."
"When you have come into the whirlpool of passions, of instincts, of desires and so on, what follows after?"
"[I]n anahata they are lifted above the surface of the earth."
"[Y]ou begin to reason, to think, to reflect about things, and so it is the beginning of a sort of contraction or withdrawal from the mere emotional function. Instead of following your impulses wildly, you begin to ... disidentify yourself from your emotions, or so overcome your emotions actually. You stop yourself in your wild mood and suddenly ask, 'Why am I behaving like this?'"
"[I]n anahata a new thing comes up, the possibility of lifting himself above the emotional happenings and beholding the. He discovers the purusa [FN: the primeval man or ... the luminous man] in his heart, the thumbling, 'Smaller than small, and greater than great.' In the center of anahata the ... small flame means the first germlike appearance of the self."
"[T]ake a patient in analysis who has reached the stage of manipura, where he is an absolute prey to his emotions and passions. I say: 'But you really ought to be a bit reasonable; do you see what you do? You cause no end of trouble to your relations.' And it makes no impression whatever. But then these arguments begin to have a pull; one knows that the threshold of the diaphragm has been crossed—he has reached anahata. You see, values, convictions, general ideas are psychical facts that are nowhere to be met with in natural science. ... They become visible only in anahata. Now, according to tantric yoga, the purusa is first seen in anahata: the essence of man, the supreme man, the so-called primordial man then becomes visible."
"The next animal is the gazelle, again a transformation of the original force. The gazelle or antelope is not unlike the ram, living upon the surface of the earth—the difference being that it is not a domesticated animal like the male sheep, nor is it a sacrificial animal. It is not at all offensive; it is exceedingly shy and elusive, on the contrary, and very fleet of foot—it vanishes in no time. When you come upon a herd of gazelles, you are always amazed at the way they disappear. They just fly into space with great leaps. There are antelopes in Africa that take leaps of six to ten meters—something amazing; it is as if they had wings. And they are also graceful and tender, and have exceedingly slender legs and feet. They hardly touch the ground, and the least stirring of the air is sufficient to make them fly away, like birds. So there is a birdlike quality in the gazelle. It is as light as air; it touches the earth only here and there. It is an animal of earth, but it is almost liberated from the power of gravity. Such an animal would be apt to symbolize the force, the efficiency, and the lightness of psychical substance—thought and feeling. It has already lost a part of the heaviness of the earth. Also, it denotes that in anahata the psychical thing is an elusive factor, hardly to be caught. It has exactly the quality that we doctors would mean when we say that it is exceedingly difficult to discover the psychogenic factor in a disease."
"So the crossing-over from manipura to anahata is really very difficult. The recognition that the psyche is a self-moving thing, something genuine and not yourself, is exceedingly difficult to see and to admit."
"Each of the four lower centers has an element belonging to it—muladhara, the earth, svadhisthana, the water, then comes fire in manipura, and finally air in anahata."
gordian knots
whatever we really _are_ is the thing that's really beautiful about us. often we're blind to this aspect and so we rely on each other to reflect back at ourselves our own attractiveness! and then we pretend that the fineness we see in the world and in others isn't also in ourselves! that's a gordian knot, my friends.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011

Excerpted from C.G. Jung's 'The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga' courtesy Gary Sparks
"[I]f you pass through that danger [the devouring quality or attribute of the sea] you reach the next center manipura, which means the fulness of jewels. It is the fire center, really the place where the sun rises. The sun now appears; the first light comes after baptism. This is like the initiation rites in the Isis mysteries, according to Apuleius, where the initiate at the end of the ceremony was put upon the pedestal and worshiped as the god Helios, the deification that always follows the baptismal rite. You are born into a new existence; you are a very different being and have a different name."
"[M]anipura is the center of the identification with the god, where one becomes part of the divine substance, having an immortal soul. You are already part of that which is no longer in time, in three-dimensional space; you belong now to a fourth-dimensional order of things where time is an extension, where space does not exist and time is not, where there is only infinite duration—eternity."
"[D]esire, passions, the whole emotional world breaks loose. Sex, power, and every devil in our nature gets loose when we become acquainted with the unconscious. Then you will see a new picture of yourself. That is why people are afraid and say there is no unconscious, like children playing hide-and-seek."
"A man who is not on fire is nothing; he is ridiculous, he is two-dimensional. He must be on fire even if he does make a fool of himself. A flame must burn somewhere, otherwise no light shines; there is no warmth, nothing."
"In manipura the ram is the symbolic animal, and the ram is the sacred animal of Agni, the god of fire. That is astrological. The ram, Aries, is the domicilium of Mars, the fiery planet of passions, impulsiveness, rashness, violence, and so on. Agni is an apt symbol. It is again the elephant, but in a new form. And it is no longer an insurmountable power—the sacred power of the elephant. It is now a sacrificial animal, and it is a relatively small sacrifice—not the great sacrifice of the bull but the smaller sacrifice of the passions. That is, to sacrifice the passions is not so terribly expensive. The small black animal that is against you is no longer like the leviathan of the depths in the cakra before; the danger has already diminished. Your own passions are really less a danger than to be drowned in unconsciousness; to be unconscious of one's passion is much worse than to suffer from passion. And that is expressed by Aries, the ram; it is a small sacrificial animal of which you don't need to be afraid, for it is no longer equipped with the strength of the elephant or the leviathan. You have overcome the worst danger when you are aware of your fundamental desires or passions."
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Excerpted from C.G. Jung's 'The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga' courtesy Gary Sparks
"[T]he next cakra, svadhisthana, must be the unconscious, symbolized by the sea, and in the sea is a huge leviathan which threatens one with annihilation."
"[T]his is the symbolism of all initiation cults: the awakening out of muladhara and the going into the water, the baptismal fount with the danger of ... the devouring quality or attribute of the sea."
"In the next center is the makara [crocodile-like creature / sea dragon, Encyclopaedia Britannica], the leviathan. So in crossing from muladhara to svadhisthana, the power that has nourished you hitherto shows now an entirely different quality: what is the elephant on the surface of the world is the leviathan in the depths. The elephant is the biggest, strongest animal upon the surface of the earth, and the leviathan is the biggest and most terrible animal down in the waters. But it is one and the same animal: the power that forces you into consciousness and that sustains you in your conscious world proves to be the worst enemy when you come to the next center. For there you are really going out of this world, and everything that makes you cling to it is your worst enemy. The greatest blessing in this world is the greatest curse in the unconscious. So the makara is just the reverse: the water elephant, the whale dragon that devours you, is the thing that has nourished and supported you hitherto—just as the benevolent mother that brought you up becomes in later life a devouring mother that swallows you again. If you cannot give her up she becomes an absolutely negative factor—she supports the life of your childhood and youth, but to become adult you must leave all that, and then the mother force is against you. So anyone attempting to leave this world for another kind of consciousness, the water world or the unconscious, has the elephant against him; then the elephant becomes the monster of the underworld."
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Excerpted from C.G. Jung's 'The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga' courtesy Gary Sparks
"So we are all in the roots, we are upon our root support. ('Root support' is the literal translation of muladhara.)"
"Therefore we may assume that the way out of our muladhara existence leads into the water."
"That woman entangled in the roots is just entangled in her personal life."
"[M]uladhara is here, the life of this earth, and here the god is asleep."
"Kundalini ... means to separate the gods from the world so that they become active ... ."
"[T]he convictions of the muladhara world are very necessary. It is exceedingly important that you are rational, that you believe in the definiteness of our world, that this world is the culmination of history, the most desirable thing. Such a conviction is absolutely vital. Otherwise you remain detached from the muladhara—you never get there, you are never born, even. There are plenty of people who are not yet born. They seem to be all here, they walk about—but as a matter of fact, they are not yet born, because they are behind a glass wall, they are in the womb. They are in the world only on parole and are soon to be returned to the pleroma where they started originally. They have not formed a connection with this world; they are suspended in the air; they are neurotic, living the provisional life."
"[I]t is utterly important that one should be in this world, that one really fulfills one's entelechia [the urge of realization, the gem of life which one is. Otherwise you can never start Kundalini; you can never detach. ... You must believe in this world, make roots, do the best you can ... so that [some] trace is left of you. For you should leave some trace in this world which notifies that you have been here, that something has happened. ... [I]f you touch the reality in which you live, and stay for several decades, if you leave your trace, then the impersonal process can begin. You see, the shoot must come out of the ground, and if the personal spark has never gotten into the ground, nothing will come out of it; no ... Kundalini will be there."
"[I]n muladhara we are just identical. We are entangled in the roots, and we ourselves are the roots. We make roots, we cause roots to be, we are rooted in the soil, and there is no getting away for us, because we must be there as long as we live."
"I want to call your attention to the animal symbolism of which I have not yet spoken. You know that the series of animals begins in muladhara with the elephant that supports the earth, meaning that tremendous urge which supports human consciousness, the power that forces us to build such a conscious world. To the Hindu the elephant functions as the symbol of the domesticated libido, parallel to the image of the horse with us. It means the force of consciousness, the power of will, the ability to do what one wants to do."
"[M]uladhara is the symbol of our present psychic situation, because we live entangled in earthly causalities. It represents the entanglement and dependence of our conscious life as it actually is. Muladhara is not just the outer world as we live in it; it is our total consciousness of all outer and inner personal experiences."
"The origins of alchemy can be traced back to Hellenistic Egypt. After the collapse of the empires of antiquity, it found safe haven in Arabic culture until returning from there to medieval Europe. Alchemists, sort of "pre-chemists," literally tried to turn some worthless piece of material into gold or another precious substance. They cooked, chopped, baked and prayed, recording their recipes in the symbolic language of a prescientific mind.
Jung studied their writings as metaphors to understand how the psyche tries to heal itself through transforming the difficult part of our personality into something of value and sustenance - through the inner healing process, in other words. Both the alchemists' imagining the goings-on in the piece of material they thought they were transforming and Jung's observing the goings-on in a psychologically transforming personality evidenced the creative, goal-oriented process of fragmentation and recentering." [J. Gary Sparks]
Jung studied their writings as metaphors to understand how the psyche tries to heal itself through transforming the difficult part of our personality into something of value and sustenance - through the inner healing process, in other words. Both the alchemists' imagining the goings-on in the piece of material they thought they were transforming and Jung's observing the goings-on in a psychologically transforming personality evidenced the creative, goal-oriented process of fragmentation and recentering." [J. Gary Sparks]

Saturday, August 27, 2011
let's recognize the interesting promise breaking forth as jack layton returns to the elementals... suddenly, the old games are up. its why some are also extremely unnerved by the awakening, the false-ideology cessation.
with the passing of this political activist, the vulnerability but also our own power that he put us in touch with completely transforming us, we now live in a new order where we no longer need elections to defeat the wrong kind of government, we just need the ideas and humanitarian and mother-earth-friendly vision and legions of happy warriors, visible every day and in every way, constructively insisting on the better world we now know is distinctly canadian, and distinctly possible...
coverage of the funeral tends toward the given that Jack Layton's time was unfairly cut short. i have to completely disagree. i think Layton and the fates had an exquisite sense of timing. just look how fluently his death and our mourning experience are serving and co-creating this interesting promise of which i spoke. when you live devoted to a certain vision on mortality and morality based on the singularity of all manifestation, you want your death to count for something as well, and on that count, if jack layton did want, through his letter to canadians, to touch people sufficient to wake them up to pressing realities and their beautiful compassionate natures, his final hopes have borne fruit.
environmental sustainability that serves to end hunger and poverty. peace from violence and terror and financial crime. education, employment, preventative medicine, national health care, personal freedom, community responsibility, highest quality food and water supplies and support for progressive natural medicines, art and culture, these were just a few of the seed values jack layton worked tirelessly for. many canadians took great security from his presence in various tableaus of government. it meant at least there was one person they could trust to front these values at the table. now that he's gone and there isn't, engagements of citizen intelligence in the service of these principles might just hit an all time high. like the crowds called out when his casket came home, "Thank you Jack."
with the passing of this political activist, the vulnerability but also our own power that he put us in touch with completely transforming us, we now live in a new order where we no longer need elections to defeat the wrong kind of government, we just need the ideas and humanitarian and mother-earth-friendly vision and legions of happy warriors, visible every day and in every way, constructively insisting on the better world we now know is distinctly canadian, and distinctly possible...
coverage of the funeral tends toward the given that Jack Layton's time was unfairly cut short. i have to completely disagree. i think Layton and the fates had an exquisite sense of timing. just look how fluently his death and our mourning experience are serving and co-creating this interesting promise of which i spoke. when you live devoted to a certain vision on mortality and morality based on the singularity of all manifestation, you want your death to count for something as well, and on that count, if jack layton did want, through his letter to canadians, to touch people sufficient to wake them up to pressing realities and their beautiful compassionate natures, his final hopes have borne fruit.
environmental sustainability that serves to end hunger and poverty. peace from violence and terror and financial crime. education, employment, preventative medicine, national health care, personal freedom, community responsibility, highest quality food and water supplies and support for progressive natural medicines, art and culture, these were just a few of the seed values jack layton worked tirelessly for. many canadians took great security from his presence in various tableaus of government. it meant at least there was one person they could trust to front these values at the table. now that he's gone and there isn't, engagements of citizen intelligence in the service of these principles might just hit an all time high. like the crowds called out when his casket came home, "Thank you Jack."
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
"Dear conservative Canada: please just relax. I know this is driving you mental but let Olivia demonstrate dignity and grace, let young progressives feel sad and heartbroken, let it happen. You have your majority. Soon we'll be back to the game of wealth protection. But for a couple of days, let this crowd remind us that there is room in politics for a lesson in how we treat each other." - Tom Jokinen
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
a response to the National Post column: "Layton’s death turns into a thoroughly public spectacle"
Christie Blatchford, a pro-war, pro-police, conservative propagandist writing under cover of popular journalism and op-ed commentary at the National Post, has published a particularly vapid and sensationalized attack on progressive values and human connectivity.
Under the lock 'n load banner of cutting edge tough talk about maudlin, if not subversive, emotional displays and the scam opportunism of a life devoted to public service, Blatchford characterized the death of Jack Layton as "a thoroughly public spectacle." The naive and indecorous Canadian public is evidently too soft for the job of repressing their troublesome and sentimental concern for one another, neither can it be trusted to discriminate between fantasy, reality and the ideas worth having that Blatchford proposes to be her particular expertise.
Written just 10 hours after his passing on Monday, the columnist was evidently mobilized by the prospect of a groundswell of national mourning and bittersweet admiration as the news of Layton's untimely death spread in units of shock and disbelief. Decrying Layton as a blatant political opportunist, Blatchford is guilty of her own accusations. Using her position as mouthpiece for backwater conservative values dressed up in practical urbanity to mislead and confuse the issues, this carefully crafted effort to manipulate political and private sentiment along knee-jerk, bipartisan lines falls flat in the shallows.
We begin with the tacit suggestion that Layton is somehow suspect because he pursued a professional life with vigor and commitment, happily living "his entire adult life in the public eye and who was a 24/7 politician who was always on." So what? Would you say the same of the many other professions that could easily be characterized this way?
The columnist wants to quibble with an NDP MP's comment that Layton, "gave his life for his country." For promulgators of conservative culture, only war and violence have stock in the sacrifice queue. To suggest that Layton's lifelong "24/7" commitment to political engagement and governance was something of a willing sacrifice for his country would be to besmirch the glorification of those who follow orders, don uniforms, abandon their critical rigor and ultimately loose their lives servicing the violent campaigns of hatred and fear that Blatchford and her ilk find so satisfying and virtuous.
That Layton worked well in public formats and had a natural, likeable ease on camera or on foot is cause for Blatchford to invite subtextual speculation as to his character and motives. Anyone who's good at getting under your skin, who works resolutely, giving their all to the path they choose is someone who's not quite playing the game of a sheeple society and so is dangerous. People with polish or style or who seem well-prepared invite resentment from those who really would rather dial it in. Layton smiled too much, persisted too long, gave consistently good soundbyte, and struck a handsome figure. Worst of all, he showed his care and concern for society and its advancement on his sleeve. The guilelessness and charm of these qualities, especially Layton's indefatigable aspect, made reactionaries uncomfortable. You're not supposed to try too hard or care too much about anything, unless its slandering 'multi-culti' socialism, inciting ethnic bigotry and hatreds, curtailing freedom, suppressing ideological evolution, or consolidating wealth and power for selfish purpose at grave cost to the planet and our persons. Casting himself as he did in tireless opposition to these nightmare refrains are what truly made Layton "singular."
The Blatchford mockery of the gravitas that swept the country and a good majority of its working media, who routinely had contact with Layton over the years, is posturing machismo at its worst. Ridiculing the response of grief, shock, and sadness has only one aim, to ensure that people on the fence who are beginning to have questions about our unsustainable ways of life and the fatuous policies of our governments are not lured into the tide of affect sweeping the nation, not galvanized by Layton's example into new involvements in their communities and families.
That PM Harper delivered a zero-charisma, out of touch and meaningless statement, struggling to keep the corners of his mouth from turning up into a nervous grin as he contemplated the wide berth he believes fate has just handed him, is somehow morphed into the height of tact. That his handlers had the ingenious idea to make sure that the Layton announcement was not the sole order of business for that particular scrum, sidebaring it with gratuitous references to the death of a six year old girl in a blatant attempt to subordinate and sweep aside the surge of sorrow and admiration for Layton, is lauded as the height of good taste, leadership and reasonableness.
But its Blatchford's attack on Layton's dying missive to Canadians that's so galling. The fact that two days before death Layton's thoughts were on his legacy and the future of his life's work as he lay preparing for singularity is offered into evidence as remarkable for its "canny" relentlessness, "a gimlet eye on all the campaigns to come." In truth, it was a high point of achievement and a gesture of incomparable grace under pressure. It demonstrates that the seat of his action in life was genuine concern for others, seeing himself as but one pearl on a chain of actions that can lead to important future developments. To make it seem that something sinister and trite was afoot that Layton took some time as things got grave to enlist the help of a couple people to put his thoughts together for the sake of his own closure and peace as much as ours is truly unconscionable.
I, for one, am extremely gratified that Layton didn't pull his punch about the disgrace of our fallen reputation in the world at the hands of the dullard and fascist "Government of Stephen Harper." The charge of 'vainglorious' for the remark, "All my life I have worked to make things better," is the bitter backwash of the rationalist, materialist worldview that delights to drown your dreams of truth, goodness and beauty in vitriol.
Blatchford chastises Canadians for being so fey as to shed a tear, or collect on the streets and outside constituency offices in order to memorialize the man who gave them hope.
As Joshua Errett writes in NOW Magazine, "When a police officer dies, as Blatchford wrote in the Globe on January 13, a motorcade of police cars lining the highway is an acceptable tribute. When a police officer dies, a public outpouring of grief is beyond criticism. The same applies in military deaths. It would appear her simplistic rules evaporate when a uniform is involved. (Or, more like it, when the politics align.)"
Layton is allowed to come into a mere hint of his technicolour courage only once and its in the context of his personal journey with cancer. Even then, Blatchford snipes that everyone battles bravely with cancer, not just Layton. For a 'journalist' who prides herself on being politically incorrect, its a sign of her limited experience with anything other than her own dogma that she fails to realize her own error. Not everyone battles bravely with cancer. Most, locked into the high-tox low-yield of conventional medicine are so weakened and fearful, they don't handle it well at all, and that's the inconvenient truth. Layton's forward-looking optimism was remarkable and noteworthy and sets an almost impossible standard for most people to live up to. The fact he stayed true to his choice to live in joy, contentment, harmony and love even as the disease escalated was the single greatest gift by example he might have given us. That Blatchford claims this as mere strategy and cleverness, that it was not spirit or quality of soul, but cagey artifice that led Layton to raise his cane to the level of symbolic asset, is repellent.
Christie Blatchford and broadsheet culture are quite possibly the most odious promulgators of philistine brainwashing ever gifted the enemies of peace, freedom, nurture, or culture in Canada. The military-corporate complex who's interests they represent want to posit everything in terms of power dynamics and fear. Thru that lens, anything which touches the heart or extolls immanent values like love, community, or nurture are to be derided as inferior, desperate as they are to posture like tough guys, smirking in the face of so-considered feminine weaknesses like emotional displays or concern for the welfare of others and the world.
The fascist stacked deck now at play intends to make unilateral shifts in this perceived vacuum of power. Some are already predicting the progressive movement will find itself in the wilderness for many years. The real political opportunists want to ensure that there's as little tolerance as possible for any display of passion lest it sweep the country, fueled by the ideas Layton led with and the concern we share with him for the dreams of justice and peace that set every great struggle in motion.
Under the lock 'n load banner of cutting edge tough talk about maudlin, if not subversive, emotional displays and the scam opportunism of a life devoted to public service, Blatchford characterized the death of Jack Layton as "a thoroughly public spectacle." The naive and indecorous Canadian public is evidently too soft for the job of repressing their troublesome and sentimental concern for one another, neither can it be trusted to discriminate between fantasy, reality and the ideas worth having that Blatchford proposes to be her particular expertise.
Written just 10 hours after his passing on Monday, the columnist was evidently mobilized by the prospect of a groundswell of national mourning and bittersweet admiration as the news of Layton's untimely death spread in units of shock and disbelief. Decrying Layton as a blatant political opportunist, Blatchford is guilty of her own accusations. Using her position as mouthpiece for backwater conservative values dressed up in practical urbanity to mislead and confuse the issues, this carefully crafted effort to manipulate political and private sentiment along knee-jerk, bipartisan lines falls flat in the shallows.
We begin with the tacit suggestion that Layton is somehow suspect because he pursued a professional life with vigor and commitment, happily living "his entire adult life in the public eye and who was a 24/7 politician who was always on." So what? Would you say the same of the many other professions that could easily be characterized this way?
The columnist wants to quibble with an NDP MP's comment that Layton, "gave his life for his country." For promulgators of conservative culture, only war and violence have stock in the sacrifice queue. To suggest that Layton's lifelong "24/7" commitment to political engagement and governance was something of a willing sacrifice for his country would be to besmirch the glorification of those who follow orders, don uniforms, abandon their critical rigor and ultimately loose their lives servicing the violent campaigns of hatred and fear that Blatchford and her ilk find so satisfying and virtuous.
That Layton worked well in public formats and had a natural, likeable ease on camera or on foot is cause for Blatchford to invite subtextual speculation as to his character and motives. Anyone who's good at getting under your skin, who works resolutely, giving their all to the path they choose is someone who's not quite playing the game of a sheeple society and so is dangerous. People with polish or style or who seem well-prepared invite resentment from those who really would rather dial it in. Layton smiled too much, persisted too long, gave consistently good soundbyte, and struck a handsome figure. Worst of all, he showed his care and concern for society and its advancement on his sleeve. The guilelessness and charm of these qualities, especially Layton's indefatigable aspect, made reactionaries uncomfortable. You're not supposed to try too hard or care too much about anything, unless its slandering 'multi-culti' socialism, inciting ethnic bigotry and hatreds, curtailing freedom, suppressing ideological evolution, or consolidating wealth and power for selfish purpose at grave cost to the planet and our persons. Casting himself as he did in tireless opposition to these nightmare refrains are what truly made Layton "singular."
The Blatchford mockery of the gravitas that swept the country and a good majority of its working media, who routinely had contact with Layton over the years, is posturing machismo at its worst. Ridiculing the response of grief, shock, and sadness has only one aim, to ensure that people on the fence who are beginning to have questions about our unsustainable ways of life and the fatuous policies of our governments are not lured into the tide of affect sweeping the nation, not galvanized by Layton's example into new involvements in their communities and families.
That PM Harper delivered a zero-charisma, out of touch and meaningless statement, struggling to keep the corners of his mouth from turning up into a nervous grin as he contemplated the wide berth he believes fate has just handed him, is somehow morphed into the height of tact. That his handlers had the ingenious idea to make sure that the Layton announcement was not the sole order of business for that particular scrum, sidebaring it with gratuitous references to the death of a six year old girl in a blatant attempt to subordinate and sweep aside the surge of sorrow and admiration for Layton, is lauded as the height of good taste, leadership and reasonableness.
But its Blatchford's attack on Layton's dying missive to Canadians that's so galling. The fact that two days before death Layton's thoughts were on his legacy and the future of his life's work as he lay preparing for singularity is offered into evidence as remarkable for its "canny" relentlessness, "a gimlet eye on all the campaigns to come." In truth, it was a high point of achievement and a gesture of incomparable grace under pressure. It demonstrates that the seat of his action in life was genuine concern for others, seeing himself as but one pearl on a chain of actions that can lead to important future developments. To make it seem that something sinister and trite was afoot that Layton took some time as things got grave to enlist the help of a couple people to put his thoughts together for the sake of his own closure and peace as much as ours is truly unconscionable.
I, for one, am extremely gratified that Layton didn't pull his punch about the disgrace of our fallen reputation in the world at the hands of the dullard and fascist "Government of Stephen Harper." The charge of 'vainglorious' for the remark, "All my life I have worked to make things better," is the bitter backwash of the rationalist, materialist worldview that delights to drown your dreams of truth, goodness and beauty in vitriol.
Blatchford chastises Canadians for being so fey as to shed a tear, or collect on the streets and outside constituency offices in order to memorialize the man who gave them hope.
As Joshua Errett writes in NOW Magazine, "When a police officer dies, as Blatchford wrote in the Globe on January 13, a motorcade of police cars lining the highway is an acceptable tribute. When a police officer dies, a public outpouring of grief is beyond criticism. The same applies in military deaths. It would appear her simplistic rules evaporate when a uniform is involved. (Or, more like it, when the politics align.)"
Layton is allowed to come into a mere hint of his technicolour courage only once and its in the context of his personal journey with cancer. Even then, Blatchford snipes that everyone battles bravely with cancer, not just Layton. For a 'journalist' who prides herself on being politically incorrect, its a sign of her limited experience with anything other than her own dogma that she fails to realize her own error. Not everyone battles bravely with cancer. Most, locked into the high-tox low-yield of conventional medicine are so weakened and fearful, they don't handle it well at all, and that's the inconvenient truth. Layton's forward-looking optimism was remarkable and noteworthy and sets an almost impossible standard for most people to live up to. The fact he stayed true to his choice to live in joy, contentment, harmony and love even as the disease escalated was the single greatest gift by example he might have given us. That Blatchford claims this as mere strategy and cleverness, that it was not spirit or quality of soul, but cagey artifice that led Layton to raise his cane to the level of symbolic asset, is repellent.
Christie Blatchford and broadsheet culture are quite possibly the most odious promulgators of philistine brainwashing ever gifted the enemies of peace, freedom, nurture, or culture in Canada. The military-corporate complex who's interests they represent want to posit everything in terms of power dynamics and fear. Thru that lens, anything which touches the heart or extolls immanent values like love, community, or nurture are to be derided as inferior, desperate as they are to posture like tough guys, smirking in the face of so-considered feminine weaknesses like emotional displays or concern for the welfare of others and the world.
The fascist stacked deck now at play intends to make unilateral shifts in this perceived vacuum of power. Some are already predicting the progressive movement will find itself in the wilderness for many years. The real political opportunists want to ensure that there's as little tolerance as possible for any display of passion lest it sweep the country, fueled by the ideas Layton led with and the concern we share with him for the dreams of justice and peace that set every great struggle in motion.
Thursday, August 18, 2011

[Chinese Folk Story: www.chinaculture.org]
Long ago, there was a very poor but clever, diligent and honest boy who was orphaned at an early age. One day, he adopted an abandoned, old buffalo that proved to be very loyal to him and relieved the boy of hard labor in the fields. The two were inseparable and had a very good relationship. Villagers from near and far came to know the boy as the Cowherd.
Meanwhile, the youngest of the seven celestial princesses, who had grown tired of the privileged and secluded life at the heavenly palace, longed for a life among the common people. Although her feelings were considered controversial, the girl was determined to pursue what she deemed was her own happiness. She sneaked out of the heaven and descended onto the earth to meet the Cowherd, with whom she had secretly fallen in love with in the heaven.
The two were married and had a lovely boy and a girl. While the Cowherd worked in the fields with his farm cattle, the princess weaved at home to help support the family. The villagers all admired her excellent weaving skills and even learned from her. The girl was known as the Weaving Girl.
The family lived moderately but peacefully and happily until the girl's celestial family realized that the princess was missing and traced her back to the village. (It is believed that one day in the heaven is equal to two earth years.)
Mad with rage, the Celestial Empress gave her daughter two choices: return to the palace or witness the destruction of her husband and offspring. The princess had no choice but to leave.
But the buffalo, who was very old and near death, suddenly started to speak, much to the astonishment of his bereaved owner. He told the Cowherd to use his hide as a vehicle to catch up with his wife. Reluctantly, the Cowherd placed his young son and daughter in two baskets carried by a yolk and sailed off to heaven.
Seeing that the Cowherd was gaining on them, the Empress took out her hair pin and drew a big river across the sky, known to the Chinese as the Silvery River (the Milky Way in the West), to drive a wedge between them.
However, all the magpies in the world, deeply touched by the story, came to their rescue. Every year on the seventh day of the seventh month, they would flock together to form a bridge so that the family could enjoy a brief reunion.
Friday, August 12, 2011
"The priest presents for consideration a compound of inherited forms with the expectation (or at times, even the requirement) that one should interpret and experience them in a certain authorized way, whereas the artist first has an experience of his own, which he then seeks to interpret and communicate through effective forms. Not the forms first and then the experience, but the experience first and then the forms." [Joseph Campbell]
Thursday, August 4, 2011
mass animal
There's a billboard on the streets that really sums Neptune's diffusion into Pisces, it goes something like, "hug a stranger. if you go back far enough, we're all related..." i really like this sentiment, and this new awareness of our interdependency, our inescapable involvement with each other purcolating to surface in the mass animal. In somewhat the same way, this article posits that if you scratch far enough down into a person, if you persist long enough to touch a naked irritant, people are capable of all the same things, everyone with their own trigger. Which behooves me to wonder, that being the case, should we not try to work for the best then? If you can call down the lowest form of hell and reactive affect out of others when you expect the worst, why not bring out the world's finer qualities?
"Drug use changes the brain. Primates that aren’t predisposed to addiction will become compulsive users of cocaine as the number of D2 receptors declines in their brains, Dr. Volkow noted. And one way to produce such a decline, she has found, is to place the animals in stressful social situations.
A stressful environment in which there is ready access to drugs can trump a low genetic risk of addiction in these animals. The same may be true for humans, too. And that’s a notion many find hard to believe: Just about anyone, regardless of baseline genetic risk, can become an addict under the right circumstances."
from "Who Succumbs to Addiction, and Who Is Left Unscathed?" By RICHARD A. FRIEDMAN, M.D.
Published: August 1, 2011 in New York Times
"Drug use changes the brain. Primates that aren’t predisposed to addiction will become compulsive users of cocaine as the number of D2 receptors declines in their brains, Dr. Volkow noted. And one way to produce such a decline, she has found, is to place the animals in stressful social situations.
A stressful environment in which there is ready access to drugs can trump a low genetic risk of addiction in these animals. The same may be true for humans, too. And that’s a notion many find hard to believe: Just about anyone, regardless of baseline genetic risk, can become an addict under the right circumstances."
from "Who Succumbs to Addiction, and Who Is Left Unscathed?" By RICHARD A. FRIEDMAN, M.D.
Published: August 1, 2011 in New York Times
Friday, July 22, 2011
Seven Basic, Interactive, and Mutually Supporting Differences as proposed by Riane Eisler in "Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body - New Paths to Power and Love"
The male is ranked over the female, and the traits and social values stereotypically associated with "masculinity" are valued more highly than those associated with "femininity."*
Females and males are equally valued in the governing ideology, and stereotypically "feminine" values such as nurturance and nonviolence can be given operational primacy.
* Please note that the terms "femininity" and "masculinity" as used here correspond to the sexual stereotypes socially constructed for a dominator society (wherein masculinity is equated with dominance and conquest, and femininity with passivity and submissiveness) and not to any inherent female or male traits.
A high degree of social violence and abuse is institutionalized, ranging from wife-and-child beating, rape, and warfare to psychological abuse by "superiors" in the family, the work place, and society at large.
Violence and abuse are not structural components of the system, so that boys and girls can be taught nonviolent conflict resolution. Accordingly, there is a low degree of social violence.
The social structure is predominantly hierarchic* and authoritarian, with the degree of authoritarianism and hierarchism roughly corresponding to the degree of male dominance.
The social structure is more generally egalitarian, with difference (be it based on gender, race, religion, sexual preference, or belief system) not automatically associated with superior or inferior social and/or economic status.
*As used here, the term hierarchic refers to what we may call a domination hierarchy, or the type of hierarchy inherent in a dominator model of social organization, based on fear and the threat of pain. Such hierarchies should be distinguished from a second type of hierarchy, which may be called an actualization hierarchy. An example from biology is the hierarchy of molecules, cells, and organs in the body: a progression toward a higher and more complex level of function. In social systems, hierarchies of actualization go along with the equation of power with the power to create and to elicit from oneself and others our highest potential.
Coercion is a major element in mate selection, sexual intercourse, and procreation, with the erotization of dominance and/or the repression of erotic pleasure through fear. Primary functions of sex are male procreation and male sexual release.
Mutual respect and freedom of choice for both females and males are characteristic of mate selection, sexual intercourse, and procreation. Primary functions of sex are the bonding between female and male through the give and take of mutual pleasure, and the reproduction of species.
Man and spirituality are ranked over woman and nature, justifying their domination and exploitation. The powers that govern the universe are imaged as punitive entities, be it as a detached father whose orders must be obeyed on pain of terrible punishments, a cruel mother, or demons and monsters who delight in arbitrarily tormenting humans, and hence must be placated.
The spiritual dimension of woman's and nature's life-giving and sustaining powers is recognized and highly valued, as are these powers in men. Spirituality is linked with empathy and equity, and the divine is imaged through myths and symbols of unconditional love.
The infliction or threat of pain is integral to systems maintenance. The pleasures of touch in both sexual and parent-child relations are associated with domination and submission, and thus also with pain, be it in the so-called carnal love of sex or in submission to a "loving" deity. The infliction and/or suffering of pain are sacralized.
Human relations are held together more by pleasure bonds than by fear of pain. The pleasures of caring behaviours are socially supported, and pleasure is associated with empathy for others. Caretaking, lovemaking, and other activities that give pleasure are considered sacred.
The highest power is the power to dominate and destroy, symbolized since remote antiquity by the lethal power of the blade. "Love" and "passion" are frequently used to justify violent and abusive actions by those who dominate, as in the killing of women by men when they suspect them of sexual independence, or in "holy wars" said to be waged out of love for a deity that demands obeisance from all.
The highest power is the power to give, nurture, and illuminate life, symbolized since remote antiquity by the holy chalice or grail. Love is recognized as the highest expression of the evolution of life on our planet, as well as the universal unifying power.
The male is ranked over the female, and the traits and social values stereotypically associated with "masculinity" are valued more highly than those associated with "femininity."*
Females and males are equally valued in the governing ideology, and stereotypically "feminine" values such as nurturance and nonviolence can be given operational primacy.
* Please note that the terms "femininity" and "masculinity" as used here correspond to the sexual stereotypes socially constructed for a dominator society (wherein masculinity is equated with dominance and conquest, and femininity with passivity and submissiveness) and not to any inherent female or male traits.
A high degree of social violence and abuse is institutionalized, ranging from wife-and-child beating, rape, and warfare to psychological abuse by "superiors" in the family, the work place, and society at large.
Violence and abuse are not structural components of the system, so that boys and girls can be taught nonviolent conflict resolution. Accordingly, there is a low degree of social violence.
The social structure is predominantly hierarchic* and authoritarian, with the degree of authoritarianism and hierarchism roughly corresponding to the degree of male dominance.
The social structure is more generally egalitarian, with difference (be it based on gender, race, religion, sexual preference, or belief system) not automatically associated with superior or inferior social and/or economic status.
*As used here, the term hierarchic refers to what we may call a domination hierarchy, or the type of hierarchy inherent in a dominator model of social organization, based on fear and the threat of pain. Such hierarchies should be distinguished from a second type of hierarchy, which may be called an actualization hierarchy. An example from biology is the hierarchy of molecules, cells, and organs in the body: a progression toward a higher and more complex level of function. In social systems, hierarchies of actualization go along with the equation of power with the power to create and to elicit from oneself and others our highest potential.
Coercion is a major element in mate selection, sexual intercourse, and procreation, with the erotization of dominance and/or the repression of erotic pleasure through fear. Primary functions of sex are male procreation and male sexual release.
Mutual respect and freedom of choice for both females and males are characteristic of mate selection, sexual intercourse, and procreation. Primary functions of sex are the bonding between female and male through the give and take of mutual pleasure, and the reproduction of species.
Man and spirituality are ranked over woman and nature, justifying their domination and exploitation. The powers that govern the universe are imaged as punitive entities, be it as a detached father whose orders must be obeyed on pain of terrible punishments, a cruel mother, or demons and monsters who delight in arbitrarily tormenting humans, and hence must be placated.
The spiritual dimension of woman's and nature's life-giving and sustaining powers is recognized and highly valued, as are these powers in men. Spirituality is linked with empathy and equity, and the divine is imaged through myths and symbols of unconditional love.
The infliction or threat of pain is integral to systems maintenance. The pleasures of touch in both sexual and parent-child relations are associated with domination and submission, and thus also with pain, be it in the so-called carnal love of sex or in submission to a "loving" deity. The infliction and/or suffering of pain are sacralized.
Human relations are held together more by pleasure bonds than by fear of pain. The pleasures of caring behaviours are socially supported, and pleasure is associated with empathy for others. Caretaking, lovemaking, and other activities that give pleasure are considered sacred.
The highest power is the power to dominate and destroy, symbolized since remote antiquity by the lethal power of the blade. "Love" and "passion" are frequently used to justify violent and abusive actions by those who dominate, as in the killing of women by men when they suspect them of sexual independence, or in "holy wars" said to be waged out of love for a deity that demands obeisance from all.
The highest power is the power to give, nurture, and illuminate life, symbolized since remote antiquity by the holy chalice or grail. Love is recognized as the highest expression of the evolution of life on our planet, as well as the universal unifying power.
"There will be stories about how we humans are conceived in delight and rapture, not in sin. There will be images spiritualizing the erotic, rather than eroticizing violence and domination. And rather than myths about our salvation through violence and pain, there will be myths about our salvation through caring and pleasure." [Riane Eisler: Sacred Pleasure]
Thursday, July 21, 2011
hallmark of dominators
Wherein women (or men taking the woman's traditional role) are "subject to the control of others who treat them as incompetent inferiors, intrude into their sexual lives, suspect them of wrongdoing, and generally accord them little dignity, independence, or self-worth." [Riane Eisler: Sacred Pleasure]
Friday, July 1, 2011
TOP 20 MODERN ERA CONS: #20: the sublimation of sensuality into ice cream sales
DON'T buy into the promise of hagen-daz happiness! the combination of dairy, sweet, and cold predisposes the body to conditions of damp overgrowth, itself a precursor for cancers, calcifications, derangement of informational substances in the blood, general inflammatory response and hypotonicity of organs.
DO look upon sensual experience (tactiles, visuals, sounds, smells, tastes, kinestheticas, contemplative presence, biophotonics and the emotions), as first and foremost a thing vital and necessary for health and wholeness. without sufficient feeding and inputs, the animal body withers. this in turn creates compensatory distortions at the level of psyche and habits. we make poor judgements and tend to act in our own counter-interests when our capacity for and experience with sensual pleasure is lacking or unchallenged in its neurotic affects.
the ultimate goal is to first accord oneself the right to a liberated body, radically self-accepted, radically cherished and radically honoured; to take perceptions and actions out of the work camp of dreary programmed gestures, constrained body language, and retro roleplay assignments, move beyond the thin surface of the skin, beyond inherited inter-personal models of a bygone era, and beyond the low dome of coarsest (if not completely diminished) senses in order to begin again in innocence. new citizens can move into the deeper and more specialized gradations where ecstasy and spirit and stuff merge into revelations of a fundamental nature. we are here amid the bounty of mortal existence with our knowledge and our questions, with new tools, smarter strategies and more enlivened modes of being that stand ready to serve us.
DO buy fullfat organic coconut milk, pour it into a squat glass container and add a microdash of stevia powder, or a tablespoon of coconut sugar. add essence of vanilla or rose. whisk gently, seal and keep in the coldest part of the fridge. it will thicken slightly overnight, almost to the consistency of a clotted cream. when a craving for creamy sweet cold strikes, pause over a few tablespoons straight out of the jar or stripe over some fresh fruit. coconut milk is rich in vitamins and minerals (especially potassium, calcium, and chloride), is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal, and a rich source of short- and medium-chained fatty acids that are quickly converted to energy, not fat.
DO look upon sensual experience (tactiles, visuals, sounds, smells, tastes, kinestheticas, contemplative presence, biophotonics and the emotions), as first and foremost a thing vital and necessary for health and wholeness. without sufficient feeding and inputs, the animal body withers. this in turn creates compensatory distortions at the level of psyche and habits. we make poor judgements and tend to act in our own counter-interests when our capacity for and experience with sensual pleasure is lacking or unchallenged in its neurotic affects.
the ultimate goal is to first accord oneself the right to a liberated body, radically self-accepted, radically cherished and radically honoured; to take perceptions and actions out of the work camp of dreary programmed gestures, constrained body language, and retro roleplay assignments, move beyond the thin surface of the skin, beyond inherited inter-personal models of a bygone era, and beyond the low dome of coarsest (if not completely diminished) senses in order to begin again in innocence. new citizens can move into the deeper and more specialized gradations where ecstasy and spirit and stuff merge into revelations of a fundamental nature. we are here amid the bounty of mortal existence with our knowledge and our questions, with new tools, smarter strategies and more enlivened modes of being that stand ready to serve us.
DO buy fullfat organic coconut milk, pour it into a squat glass container and add a microdash of stevia powder, or a tablespoon of coconut sugar. add essence of vanilla or rose. whisk gently, seal and keep in the coldest part of the fridge. it will thicken slightly overnight, almost to the consistency of a clotted cream. when a craving for creamy sweet cold strikes, pause over a few tablespoons straight out of the jar or stripe over some fresh fruit. coconut milk is rich in vitamins and minerals (especially potassium, calcium, and chloride), is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal, and a rich source of short- and medium-chained fatty acids that are quickly converted to energy, not fat.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
"And in athletics, all this mysticism of track, and the rapture and ecstasy in sexual experiences - all these are mystical; all related to the loss of ego and its tenacity - yielding to a larger opening. That's what mysticism is, and these are the foregrounds, the shallows of that depth." [Joseph Campbell in "An Open Life," p. 105]
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
a must for thyroid health
"Sea vegetables, like kelp, provide organic iodine, which is crucial as a nutrient when taken internally. These natural sources of iodine are essential for a healthy thyroid. Kelp in particular, with its balance of natural iodine with other minerals, vitamins and trace elements, is considered a body balancer, promoting adrenal, pituitary and thyroid health. The bio-availability of organic iodine in liquid kelp can assist in normalizing thyroid disorders, obesity and lymph system congestion. It detoxifies and eliminates heavy metals and toxins, very effectively helping to purify the blood.
Liquid kelp can be used effectively for weight loss by aiding in eliminating excess stores of fat and fluids. Its easily absorbed organic minerals and trace minerals provide energy and stamina, while organic vitamins boost the immune system and act as viral protectors."
read the full profile here...
Liquid kelp can be used effectively for weight loss by aiding in eliminating excess stores of fat and fluids. Its easily absorbed organic minerals and trace minerals provide energy and stamina, while organic vitamins boost the immune system and act as viral protectors."
read the full profile here...
Monday, June 6, 2011
from within to without
jung talks about the necessity of grappling with the unconscious as the sine qua non initiation into the deeper mysteries of an individuated, or integrated, self. as we develop the ability to become aware and tune into the many competing voices and fragments of persona within us, we also become emboldened and newly able to challenge some and nurse others. maybe the saboteur voice that seeks to curtail and kill off possibility for action in the world needs to be questioned, reframed and often outright opposed, while those that urge us to authenticity, challenge-engagement and growth, need be considered, aligned with, even solicited.
in grappling with these subpersonas that would counsel us into purposeless negativity, we should always be prepared for the rite of passage that proceeds whenever we have the courage to tap our inner demons on the shoulder and say, yo. in fact, as soon as we succeed in pulling ourselves out of the trance of identification with this inner opponent, the argument this opponent represents will, as if by magic force, manifest at the level of some outer world enactment. this is correct and to be welcomed. why? its not enough to simply bring awareness to and resistance to bear on the dialogues we're subject to within ourselves. in order to be truly free of the old programs we have to 'act it out,' duplicate the success achieved within, by learning to spot, distinguish, and prevail over agents of adversity wherever we meet these precious teachers.
so take heart. if you have a complex that you've recently become aware of, don't recoil in dismay or fear or self-pity when the dynamic takes form in flesh and blood events in your world. the escalation of engagement is to be welcomed as it presents the opportunity to make good on and put into play the new insights and awarenesses, so long-coming and hard-won. keep to center and make the same gentle but firm insistences with the outer agents as one does with the intrajected forces.
for example, if you've recently emancipated yourself from a powerful voice of old that seems to takes pleasure at every turn to tell you, 'you will fail' by newly refusing to take heed of its discouragement, know that the echo of this recent victory will emerge in an external theater. someone or something will come along and repeat this same message, but more powerfully and even painfully. it will be irresistibly tempting at this juncture to fall into the old habit of taking the discouragement, and ending the quest. please know that the apparent power of these agents is a pure mirage. they arise in generosity to furnish us with the chance to take our act to the next level. duplicating our successful strategy at the level of mind and transposing it to the level of worldly action is the final nail in the coffin for these factors that have outlived their prohibitory usefulness. they will always become persistent in this manner, when their perpetuity is challenged, because they want resolution more than unmolested continuance, they want to be put to rest by our own hands more than they want to prove themselves true. thusly, the moment we achieve dominance of love, self-respect, positivity and hope, versus fear, self-hatred, negativity and despair, these refrains of the old inner opponent bow out gracefully, releasing the stores of energy they once monopolized which now come to our refreshment.
its good to recall that these various subpersonalities, like the inner opponent, or saboteur, come into manifestation as a protective measure during infancy in order to maximize survival potential based on perceived local threats. eventually these perceived threats are no longer local, but the constellated protective agent fails to compute the new conditions, and continues in its work of outputting old protocols no matter how novel the new circumstances. the unconscious, where these factors live, and which underscores all learning and action, is intensely habit-forming. were it not we would never be able to acquire adaptive knowledge nor cope with the vast set of repetitive skills required in daily life.
the counterpose to the unconscious is volitional mind, and like any agonist/antagonist relationship, exercise, challenge and play are required to get the best out of both ends. this is why we must always be ready to question the weight of our acquired behaviours and thoughtforms, and be ever ready to cast aside old containers for life's fresh new wines...
in grappling with these subpersonas that would counsel us into purposeless negativity, we should always be prepared for the rite of passage that proceeds whenever we have the courage to tap our inner demons on the shoulder and say, yo. in fact, as soon as we succeed in pulling ourselves out of the trance of identification with this inner opponent, the argument this opponent represents will, as if by magic force, manifest at the level of some outer world enactment. this is correct and to be welcomed. why? its not enough to simply bring awareness to and resistance to bear on the dialogues we're subject to within ourselves. in order to be truly free of the old programs we have to 'act it out,' duplicate the success achieved within, by learning to spot, distinguish, and prevail over agents of adversity wherever we meet these precious teachers.
so take heart. if you have a complex that you've recently become aware of, don't recoil in dismay or fear or self-pity when the dynamic takes form in flesh and blood events in your world. the escalation of engagement is to be welcomed as it presents the opportunity to make good on and put into play the new insights and awarenesses, so long-coming and hard-won. keep to center and make the same gentle but firm insistences with the outer agents as one does with the intrajected forces.
for example, if you've recently emancipated yourself from a powerful voice of old that seems to takes pleasure at every turn to tell you, 'you will fail' by newly refusing to take heed of its discouragement, know that the echo of this recent victory will emerge in an external theater. someone or something will come along and repeat this same message, but more powerfully and even painfully. it will be irresistibly tempting at this juncture to fall into the old habit of taking the discouragement, and ending the quest. please know that the apparent power of these agents is a pure mirage. they arise in generosity to furnish us with the chance to take our act to the next level. duplicating our successful strategy at the level of mind and transposing it to the level of worldly action is the final nail in the coffin for these factors that have outlived their prohibitory usefulness. they will always become persistent in this manner, when their perpetuity is challenged, because they want resolution more than unmolested continuance, they want to be put to rest by our own hands more than they want to prove themselves true. thusly, the moment we achieve dominance of love, self-respect, positivity and hope, versus fear, self-hatred, negativity and despair, these refrains of the old inner opponent bow out gracefully, releasing the stores of energy they once monopolized which now come to our refreshment.
its good to recall that these various subpersonalities, like the inner opponent, or saboteur, come into manifestation as a protective measure during infancy in order to maximize survival potential based on perceived local threats. eventually these perceived threats are no longer local, but the constellated protective agent fails to compute the new conditions, and continues in its work of outputting old protocols no matter how novel the new circumstances. the unconscious, where these factors live, and which underscores all learning and action, is intensely habit-forming. were it not we would never be able to acquire adaptive knowledge nor cope with the vast set of repetitive skills required in daily life.
the counterpose to the unconscious is volitional mind, and like any agonist/antagonist relationship, exercise, challenge and play are required to get the best out of both ends. this is why we must always be ready to question the weight of our acquired behaviours and thoughtforms, and be ever ready to cast aside old containers for life's fresh new wines...
Friday, May 27, 2011
exciting movement in scholarship that seeks to bridge exclusionary zones of specialization for the betterment of knowledge... this article discusses the pauli/jung relationship as seminal, cautionary, but ultimately a hopeful model for translateralism in research and relationships...
Wolfgang Pauli, Carl Jung, and the Acausal Connecting Principle: A Case Study in Transdisciplinarity
By Charlene P. E. Burns
The same organizing forces that have shaped nature in all her forms are also responsible for the structure of our minds.
[Werner Heisenberg]
Wolfgang Pauli, Carl Jung, and the Acausal Connecting Principle: A Case Study in Transdisciplinarity
By Charlene P. E. Burns
The same organizing forces that have shaped nature in all her forms are also responsible for the structure of our minds.
[Werner Heisenberg]
still working on a response to ferguson's 'six killer app' theory of western civilization, the research for which has proven a bit more massive than i expected even though my purview and ambitions are seriously modest. my attention deficits and lack of skill with respect to analysis, compilation, and reference organization have finally come to oppose me. good. i like a challenge.
yes, my mind is unruly. yes, in the absence of formal education, i've avoided the ordeal of serious scholarship, making the excuse that by doing things my way, strident and without backup, and unapologetically so, i could keep the kook visionary within alive and unfettered and, most of all, happy. truth is, if i'm to develop and grow as a writer, my habit core, my use of resources, my experiences and presuppositions, these must be turned into an electional architecture.
the main of my approach for the killer app deconstruction will be to demonstrate the archetypal dramaturgy in global systems... in spite of efforts in the humanities to make history seem like a series of unrelated, haphazard and discreet events, there's a very coherent story unfolding... what's more, its accurately and eerily reflected by the one macroscopic array worth examining, the cyclical movement of the planets in the heavens.
its by no coincidence, for example, that every single period of revolution and upheaval occurs in EXACT conformity with the alignment cycle of pluto and uranus as they move through mutual conjunction and opposition. this will be where my examination begins since the factuals are rather incontrovertible and put conventional historical analysis on its ear...
competing for focus, i can't help but let myself get drawn away into an uptake of content i sorely need if i'm to do some writing on one of my pet causes, universal nuclear disarmament and the end of nuclear energy. i'm biting into research summations provided by the global consortium on security transformation, and learning up on the history of the NNPT.
yes, my mind is unruly. yes, in the absence of formal education, i've avoided the ordeal of serious scholarship, making the excuse that by doing things my way, strident and without backup, and unapologetically so, i could keep the kook visionary within alive and unfettered and, most of all, happy. truth is, if i'm to develop and grow as a writer, my habit core, my use of resources, my experiences and presuppositions, these must be turned into an electional architecture.
the main of my approach for the killer app deconstruction will be to demonstrate the archetypal dramaturgy in global systems... in spite of efforts in the humanities to make history seem like a series of unrelated, haphazard and discreet events, there's a very coherent story unfolding... what's more, its accurately and eerily reflected by the one macroscopic array worth examining, the cyclical movement of the planets in the heavens.
its by no coincidence, for example, that every single period of revolution and upheaval occurs in EXACT conformity with the alignment cycle of pluto and uranus as they move through mutual conjunction and opposition. this will be where my examination begins since the factuals are rather incontrovertible and put conventional historical analysis on its ear...
competing for focus, i can't help but let myself get drawn away into an uptake of content i sorely need if i'm to do some writing on one of my pet causes, universal nuclear disarmament and the end of nuclear energy. i'm biting into research summations provided by the global consortium on security transformation, and learning up on the history of the NNPT.
Monday, May 23, 2011
the world always forces us to confront and play with our edges and definitions. well.. let's say the 'world,' yes, but the 'world' when engaged and given the respect of being perceived thru the lens of loving open-mindedness, and an assumption of fundamental coherence and meaning, even when this coherence and meaning escapes or transcends our powers of seeing and interpretation (and, it bears pointing out, this land beyond our powers of seeing and interpretation is where old-fashioned mystery used to live).
you _can_ walk the parallel road of finding the world empty of these cues as to significance and meaning, but that's like walking among the richness of recorded poetry and viewing it with the myopic rigor of utilitarian prose conventions and lowbrow demands for literal transparency.
thing is, i have a horror of violence, i have a terror of feeling revulsion towards things, of saying no to life. yet, this fear and inability to 'kill' certain things off in the matrix of possible can actually rob you of any satisfaction, especially if you wish to be an agent for love and peace in maximal ways. in the same sense that the unchecked growth of nature (which chokes off diversity as often as it rises, free, in differentiated splendor) differs from the cultivated garden that partakes of intersecting nature and human ingenuity (an ingenuity that tries to better the vectors of nature), sometimes we must act and change outcomes by saying yes to the dance, putting on the yoke of our distinct ableness for manipulation, for violence, and the power to make difficult choices.
i have never felt more aware of the burden of being both a tool of civilization and an expression of the deepest roots of nature than i do in a current forced encounter with the asian cockroach. i am a 'trap it and deposit it outside' kind of personality. so its very interesting when the old routines of one's least-examined personality runs into a situation that, well, challenges the blanket righteousness of those old behaviours and personal commandments.
its always the most creative and character-forming challenge, when the old ways of doing things meats (sic) meets with an immovable spot beyond itself which, to be dealt with successfully, may need to be engaged with the very qualities we stealthily reject in the world and ourselves.
i remain a militant pacifist this hour. i don't think problems can be solved by carpet-bombing them, which always struck me as simpleminded, shortminded, and lazy. which makes this encounter doubly interesting, since these insects can go from a couple intruders to swarming thousands in very short order. thusly does the world goad us to make ourselves flesh by making irreversible choices, testing our constructs and mettle in a living labyrinth governed by other, incontrovertible laws.
you _can_ walk the parallel road of finding the world empty of these cues as to significance and meaning, but that's like walking among the richness of recorded poetry and viewing it with the myopic rigor of utilitarian prose conventions and lowbrow demands for literal transparency.
thing is, i have a horror of violence, i have a terror of feeling revulsion towards things, of saying no to life. yet, this fear and inability to 'kill' certain things off in the matrix of possible can actually rob you of any satisfaction, especially if you wish to be an agent for love and peace in maximal ways. in the same sense that the unchecked growth of nature (which chokes off diversity as often as it rises, free, in differentiated splendor) differs from the cultivated garden that partakes of intersecting nature and human ingenuity (an ingenuity that tries to better the vectors of nature), sometimes we must act and change outcomes by saying yes to the dance, putting on the yoke of our distinct ableness for manipulation, for violence, and the power to make difficult choices.
i have never felt more aware of the burden of being both a tool of civilization and an expression of the deepest roots of nature than i do in a current forced encounter with the asian cockroach. i am a 'trap it and deposit it outside' kind of personality. so its very interesting when the old routines of one's least-examined personality runs into a situation that, well, challenges the blanket righteousness of those old behaviours and personal commandments.
its always the most creative and character-forming challenge, when the old ways of doing things meats (sic) meets with an immovable spot beyond itself which, to be dealt with successfully, may need to be engaged with the very qualities we stealthily reject in the world and ourselves.
i remain a militant pacifist this hour. i don't think problems can be solved by carpet-bombing them, which always struck me as simpleminded, shortminded, and lazy. which makes this encounter doubly interesting, since these insects can go from a couple intruders to swarming thousands in very short order. thusly does the world goad us to make ourselves flesh by making irreversible choices, testing our constructs and mettle in a living labyrinth governed by other, incontrovertible laws.
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