Tuesday, October 29, 2013

modified citrus pectin...

I made a big learning mistake taking modified citrus pectin for its antimetastatic powers.... it needs to be treated as a carbohydrate that reduces to simple sugars and while some cancer patients must tolerate it well given its reputation, I did not. 

I'm having more relapses than gains these days and the tumour can't get any bigger than it is right now without causing me structural harm... luckily my energy is almost back to what I recognize as normal, in fact I was up until 1a cleaning after months of leaving it for later... I'm still making adjustments to my diet, feeling best with only one small serving of animal protein for medicinal reasons with an emphasis on raw living foods... getting my strength back means I can start resuming important activities, work, yoga, but it also means I am thinking and communicating more clearly, which is the axis on which this whole saga turns...

What can I say? Nobody has all the answers in this domain, managing cancer holistically... I can only learn what my own case requires and I'm learning it through failure... that's fine, but I've got to start recording more little victories and RIGHT NOW... plus there are more bills to pay to the tune of 53,000... and that's just to get me to the end of November and doesn't include food or supplements... this can't go on, I need a miracle.

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