Saturday, June 15, 2013

to clarify...

in case my wording was at all vague, when i say i want to collate as much info as possible in order to make decisions best for me, i have not and will never reconsider chemotherapy or radiation as viable options for treatment. no doubt they might temporarily wipe away or reduce the prevalence of a cancer, but the long term and short term ill-effects are such that not only is quality of life an issue, recurrence of cancer is a guarantee no matter what. people who do absolutely _nothing_ about their cancer live on average twice as long as their compliant counterparts who do what conventional doctors tell them to. i'm not doing _nothing_ and i'm at least enjoying life in the process.

i'm continuing in my quest to employ everything i can get my hands on that has proven curative of cancers but also employing basic common sense about the body and how it typically can be supported in its natural healing powers. for example, particularly since the needle biopsy of my lymph node (which as a friend pointed out suddenly leaves a potentially cancerous node with an open wound within a closed system) i've been having more and more defined pain along lymph channels very akin to what i felt the one time in my life i had lymphangitis as a result of a cat scratch. it occurred to me today to start dosing on homeopathic ledum which completely reversed my lymphangitis symptoms (which incidentally are life-threatening... one develops a red line of inflammation along a lymph channel and it if reaches the heart it's morbific... the red line that developed from my wound was diagnosed by a walk-in clinic doctor and was halfway up my arm... he prescribed antibiotics only after i refused to go to hospital and be put on antibiotic drip... instead i filled the script in case, but i took the ledum first and the line was gone within 24 hours)...

there are some other avenues being explored that i can't discuss just yet and i've made a new acquaintance who is also walking the same road, and who knows many more individuals who've done the same, who has offered his experience, support and expertise.

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